As a further sop to income-tax advocates, Aldrich would sponsor an income-tax constitutional amendment.
This tolerance of deeper integration by a small group was a sop to federalists.
ECONOMIST: The European Union summit: A difficult birth | The
The rail holding and utilities fulfilled his need to get invested in GDP properties and sop up cash.
In this area, his attitude seems almost defensive, using symbolic issues as a sop to his Christian backers.
Stock markets remain crash-prone despite intermittent rallies and the sop of thinking the worst fate is a double-dip.
Tellabs is clearly benefitting from the increased network demands on wireless carriers as smartphones continue to sop up bandwidth.
The terms are necessary as a sop to middle-class parents concerned that their children are not being stretched enough.
As a sop, festival officials say they may sign up a bunch of Turkish dervishes to do some whirling.
Let me ask you this, how many hospitals use a CYP450 affy chip SOP or an invader UGT1a1 assay ?
Unless you have some capital losses to sop up your gains, you likely don't want to sell the lower-basis shares.
From the 1950s, in many European, Asian and Latin American countries, it functioned as a sponge to sop up unemployment.
Moreover, white gloves are more likely to sop up sweat and other oils that can then be transferred to the document.
Save our Parkland (SoP) had gone to the High Court over plans for housing and business units at Cloakham Lawns in Axminster.
Fadela Amara, the government minister for cities, who is of Muslim origin and a feminist, called segregated swims a sop to fundamentalism.
A. yet another sop to seek to save this most decadent process.
Paul Arnot, from SoP, said the group was seeking further legal advice.
The granting of access did seem a small sop to international opinion.
Another sop to the soft-hearted 21st-century modern man is the option of using straw to pad your socks and hopefully cushion the blows.
While Mail Goggles might be a sop for weekend lushes who like math, it's also part of a much bigger plan to improve Gmail.
Those brains can sop up the millions of tiny communications chores coursing through data centers, especially the peak loads that can swamp traditional servers.
SoP had claimed the council was premature in granting permission in 2011 while its existing local plan was in the process of being replaced.
Ammogghiu, another caper-laden classic, is a piquant tomato-based sauce best served with a thick steak and lots of garlic bread to sop up the juices.
The company has also thrown a one-time sop of 15 free tracks to longtime subscribers like me, but is holding it back until August.
This is a sop to Members of Congress and trade lobbyists in Washington who think the U.S. can depreciate its way back to economic health.
She also stated the appointment was a sop to the DUP.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Victims' appointment not quashed
But as a sop to such reactionaries, Raffles compromised with technology.
"The next match is very critical for our team to go for the knockout stage but we will try our best, " Korea coach Jo Tong-sop said.
But Obamacare, in a sop to the AARP, requires that insurers only charge three times as much to their costliest beneficiaries what they charge to their least-costly ones.
But this flurry of diplomatic declarations may be more of a sop to European consciences than a sign that Europe is at last prepared to take collective action.
Since both parties are in dire need of a sop to throw to the elderly, some sort of package extending Medicare coverage for prescription drugs will probably emerge.