Asset managers hate joint ventures, even in a sophisticated market.
Let us also remind ourselves that these predictions are coming from some of the most sophisticated market-watchers in the world, with all of the resources and research and equipment and data and full-time dedicated staffers that most investors could only dream of.
But Bagehot was writing long before today's sophisticated interbank market was shaped.
But while a more sophisticated capital market might mean more funds available and might even reduce the amount of financial engineering going on, it is not the solution to today's predicament.
Honda, the world's eighth-biggest automaker, has developed a panoply of technologies: hybrids, fuel cells, clean diesels, natural gas vehicles and the world's most sophisticated mass-market gasoline engines.
This in turn would lead to a sophisticated carbon "market", and ultimately to billions of dollars in incentives for governments and communities to manage and protect their forests.
Indeed, there are good reasons for thinking that America's sophisticated corporate-bond market may be what saves its firms from the fate of their Japanese counterparts.
But there is a risk that, as confidence in Windows 2000 grows, Sun could find itself pushed out of all but the most sophisticated bits of the market.
Fourth, high-end customers who want sophisticated phones drive the Japanese market, but the main growth in the wireless industry overall is in emerging markets, which need cheap phones.
We've combined the most sophisticated map engine in the market with OpenStreetMap's vast dataset, and have brought a next-generation map to NOOK that features unparalleled performance and superior visuals.
ENGADGET: Skobbler brings maps to Nook Tablet, Color with ForeverMap 2
The more advanced the market, the more sophisticated (and lethal) the level of risk.
Such changes have allowed large market participants to employ sophisticated trading methods to trade electronically on multiple venues in huge volumes at very fast speeds.
FORBES: New Large Trader Rules Adopted; SEC Hopes To Better Monitor High-Frequency Trading
In his statement Mr Micalizzi said he had relied on "a sophisticated structure of service providers and market participants to conduct an ongoing due diligence of the bond transaction".
Brown argues it Nvidia can double the size of its addressable workstation GPU market by offering more sophisticated visual computing capabilities on desktop workstations for use in visual effects and video editing, among other applications.
It is timely and important for two reasons: first, the interest and investment in Shariah-compliant finance in the West continues to grow, and second, the fragile state of our financial system of late is due to the catastrophic impact of toxic financial products designed as highly sophisticated black box solutions to undisclosed market risk.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Shariah-Compliant Finance: Benign or belligerent?
Even the most sophisticated calculations often fail to reflect future market behavior during a crisis, when historical relationships frequently break down.
FORBES: Six Simple Steps to Protecting Your Portfolio With Put Options
Which raises a broader question: Is Mr. Silbert creating a market open only to the sophisticated, a club that shuts out ordinary Americans?
WSJ: The Weekend Interview With Barry Silbert: So Who Needs Wall Street?
Nor can sophisticated investors trade it in the futures market, but there is a way you can still make money in what appears to be an aggressive uptrend.
The copycat era of look-alike western sites in China will fade and more original ideas tailored to the local culture will flourish as the Chinese market develops and grows more sophisticated.
FORBES: Predicting 10 Trends For Startup Asia As 2013 Unfolds
Furthermore, Sony aimed its product not only at the teenagers that were Nintendo's core market but, by producing more sophisticated (and, indeed, more violent) games, at older and wealthier players too.
They are now able to focus on building sophisticated, scalable products and accelerating them to the market.
New, more sophisticated generating and transmitting technology is coming on the market.
As the market develops, investing is becoming more sophisticated.
Having equity crowdfunders come into the market and fill the gap created by sophisticated investors passing on these later stage, larger deals would set investors up for failure, and should be avoided.
FORBES: Crowdfunding Won't Solve The Venture Capital Series A Crunch
Decisions had to be made on the basis of unreliable data from a sophisticated industrial economy: government statistics in emerging-market economies are often even more unreliable, making the IMF's job that much more difficult.
From the housing of simple switching equipment, the market has rapidly evolved into the provision of sophisticated services based in state-of-the-art wired buildings.
Japanese handsets are among the most sophisticated in the world, and it's a market dominated by some of the toughest companies in electronics: Sharp, Panasonic, NEC, and Sony's joint venture with Ericsson, Sony Ericsson.
Japanese handsets are among the most sophisticated in the world, and it's a market dominated by some of the toughest companies in electronics: Sharp, Panasonic, NEC (nasdaq: NIPNY - news - people ), and Sony's joint venture with Ericsson (nasdaq: ERIC - news - people ), Sony Ericsson.
The idea behind Long-Term Capital Management was that pricing anomalies in the market could be picked up with the help of sophisticated quantitative analysis.