Shares of Goldman Sachs opened 2.4% lower as investors sorted through the earnings report.
It's quick enough to scare yourself, sorted enough to prevent embarrassment, and yet so much more than that.
I'll get this sorted, set new goals for this season and focus on those.
Such payouts are usually suspended while a bankrupt organization's finances are being sorted out.
Because each piece of data can be sorted, Reed's services can offer customized alerts as well.
Winners and losers in the Cheap Revolution are being sorted out with ferocious speed.
It lists alumni's employment history, which can usually be sorted by field or geographic location.
Today, CND waste is sorted in large mechanized processing plants or manually, by people.
Amir will have another fight in June but they won't have it sorted out by then.
But now that the worst companies have been sorted out, that is becoming harder.
But I've been down to London to see this guy who's got it sorted.
The market hasn't yet sorted out all the mergers and acquisitions in the financial sector.
There everything is automated and sorted on conveyor belts using barcode scanners and sophisticated lifts.
It also sorted out school places for their children and social introductions for the families.
ECONOMIST: The new Europe is easing British labour shortages, slowly
I've got the repairers in and the glass is going to be sorted out on Saturday.
Dr Myers hopes to have the bits of the jigsaw sorted out by January.
Indonesia's problems will never be solved until the mess in Jakarta is sorted out.
Airfare can be sorted by price, time, duration, airline, number of stops and preferred layover airport.
Somebody has to take the bull by the horns and get things sorted out.
Jenkins wants the matter sorted quickly so he can push on with the search for Martinez's replacement.
"He's had two weeks to sort it out and he hasn't sorted it out yet, " said Morgan.
Also, all the big issues that investors worried about last year seem to have sorted themselves out.
Mr Chirac said no to that, arguing that the current CAP budget is already sorted until 2006.
There are just one or two things to be sorted out, but that is my preferred choice.
The worry is that, by the time Boeing has sorted itself out, orders will be falling fast.
The ruckus surrounds a benchmark called MinuteSort, which measures how much data can be sorted in 60 seconds.
ENGADGET: Microsoft Research team shatters data sorting record, wrenches trophy from Yahoo
But HHS ended up with custody of another 660 children as their complicated legal situation was sorted out.
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Daniel Moylan, former deputy leader of the council, said councillors wanted the issue sorted as soon as possible.
Detectors at the end of the accelerator can then count individual atoms according to how they are sorted.
Kodak's U.S. pension obligations are still being sorted out in bankruptcy court with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.
WSJ: Kodak Transfers Business to U.K. Retirees to Erase Pension Obligation