The data can be exported to CSV, and the source code is available on Github.
In addition, Sun will release the source code under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Anyone can look at operating system source code, modify it and share it with the world.
The questioning led Weadock to admit he had no programming experience or knowledge of source code.
It had spread across college campuses because Bell Labs started giving away the UNIX source code.
In the early days of computing, software usually came complete with its source code.
But he knew a ton about open-source software, whose source code is given away in order to attract improvements.
In that case, hackers gained access to source code under development for an unidentified future product.
The source code on the site's main page suggests that it was, in fact, created in 1999.
There are no plans to mass-produce the machine, but instructions and source code are being made available.
The source code for all of these systems is closely held by the five big voting machine companies.
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Going further, Microsoft could be required to license the source code for Windows itself to the highest bidders.
Trade secrets also protects software source code and sometimes other aspects of software, such as proprietary limited-distribution documentation.
But they are refusing to allow independent analysis of the program's source code, on the grounds of commercial confidentiality.
When open-source code is involved, what can be defended as a trade secret?
Non-Microsoft programmers have long asked for equal access to the source code--but Microsoft has steadfastly refused to give it.
The original source code he accessed at Goldman had been born in Chicago.
Bill Gates's company makes money by selling intellectual property, jealously guarding its programs' source code and fighting software piracy.
When Netscape released the source code of its web browser in March 1998, it wanted to involve other companies.
However, until earlier this year, the government's encryption regulations did not permit encryption source code to be published online.
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And since Microsoft's source code is secret, outside software developers cannot debug it.
Freedom means the ability see all source code and to learn from others.
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Just as he did with a previous artificial brain model, Yamazaki plans to release the source code for the system.
The software giant said it had written to "some" of the people it had identified as sharing the source code.
Like Firefox's, Chrome's source code is free for anybody to change and improve, and even for rival browser-makers to incorporate.
On one system, 74 user accounts had privileges enabling them to change program source code without supervisory oversight, the report stated.
If the borrowed open-source code is integral to a larger program, that program becomes a "derivative work, " subject to various claims--e.g.
In extreme circumstances the verified source code can be compiled directly by the user so that downloading binaries is not necessary.
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He's posted this open source code to GitHub, a popular resource for programmers who like to share what they create.
One of the conduct remedies cited most often by Microsoft's competitors is to force Gates to share the Windows source code.