As a result, she was a source of material for a dozen songs composed by jazz greats.
Since adopting my daughter from China in 2005, I've discovered motherhood is an unending source of material.
Not surprisingly, Prozac has also become a source of material for film directors.
In 2009, Esa funded a pilot project to examine the cost and practicality of establishing a European source of material for Radioactive Power Sources (RPS).
Travellers looking for great stories on their favourite destinations now have a new source of free reading material.
Acknowledging the source of the copyrighted material does not substitute for obtaining permission.
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We worked spontaneous variations on the source material of our surroundings.
"The integrity of our supply chain is vital and we are working closely with our customers to try to establish the source of the contaminating material, " the company said.
He is endearingly reluctant to admit that the finished document, which he describes as "a key piece of source material for the election, for candidates, for MPs, for campaigners in the field and also, obviously, for journalists", is, like any party's manifesto, unlikely to top the bestseller lists.
The database of the Best Practices and Local Leadership Programme, a unit of the United Nations Center for Human Settlement (Habitat) was a source for some of the material in these reports.
Assuming not, might it also help to more accurately date the composition of the source material?
The effect can be subtle or dramatic, depending on the quality of the source material.
He and Ms. Buffini have heightened the drama of their source material in two ways, both successful.
WSJ: Jane Eyre, Mars Needs Moms and Red Riding Hood | Film Reviews by Joe Morgenstern
Like the Quattron, the color reproduction would not be accurate because of the limitations of the source material.
The source for some of the material I am referencing comes from Lars Leckie, Managing Director, Hummer Winblad Venture Partners.
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This microscopic scale and sensitivity allows the sensor to map a high-resolution image of electrical charge that occurs over the surface of a source material (for example a human finger), when it makes contact with a thin insulating surface (ie a plastic surface).
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Even their oft-maligned Speed Racer was breathtaking, doing exactly what it was supposed to do and doing it very well, while proving that even within the limitations of the adapted source material the Wachowskis could still deliver a visually revolutionary film and compelling characterization.
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All that's needed, apparently, is an energy source, some sort of carbon-based material and a bit of water.
It passed a resolution telling buyers of tin not to source their raw material from mines controlled by Congolese militia leaders.
In the Middle Ages it was discovered to be a rich source of aluminium sulphate - a crucial raw material used as a fixing agent in dyeing cloth.
The results appear unlikely to resolve the ongoing controversy over the value, or lack of value, of this procedure, but, as an accompanying editorial states, both advocates and critics of PFO closure will find source material for their arguments in these papers.
Every crude petroleum source material can produce so many gallons of gasoline and other distillates per barrel.
FORBES: Drill It, Dam it, Log It: How To Fight Eco-Tyranny In America
An earlier movie by Polley, Away From Her, stood out as well but had the beneift of an Alice Munro story as the source material and Julie Christie as the star.
Beach nourishment: artificial process of replenishing a beach with material from another source that lies either inland or is dredged offshore.
When the source material is ultrafamiliar and the original film full of top-tier stars, it's all but impossible to survive the comparison game.
The best source for background material about this law is the website of the Orchard News Bureau, a news agency run by Richard Orange, who is the leading journalistic authority on this subject.
The aforementioned directors did a brilliant job of elevating their films above their subject matter and source material.
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Thanks to a hacker group in India, InfosecIsland has source material that demonstrates wide spread cyber espionage on the part of the Indian Government which the hackers may publish.
The enhanced spatial audio effect provides a new dimension of presence and depth while maintaining the integrity of the source mix and ensuring audio is always appropriate to the source material.
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And few bands in recent years have experienced as much source material when it comes to personal turmoil: The tragic death of a former band member and a current member's hospitalization after kidney failure helped inspire the band's 2007 album Asleep at Heaven's Gate, one of the decade's most profoundly sad and moving rock records.