Under its new strategic orientations, UNESCO places an emphasis on strengthening North-South and North-South-South cooperation.
The role of culture in development and principles of cultural diversity reflected in South-South cooperation mechanisms.
Brazil has been increasingly expanding its economic ties with resource-rich Africa as part of the so-called South-South cooperation.
This residency programme will give priority to artists and institutions from developing countries in order to enhance North-South and South-South cooperation.
The network is expected to improve advocacy, policy formulation and programme delivery, as well as strengthening North-South and South-South cooperation and partnerships.
Among other themes, the President and the Director-General discussed the global agenda, particularly in relation to climate change, south-south cooperation and solidarity.
This is a good example of South-South cooperation: Brazilian government funds are implemented by NGOs and the local community in Africa, with the participation of Brazilian youth volunteers.
As the host for the International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre (ISTIC) for South-South Cooperation, Malaysia welcomes the exchange of best practices and participative research especially in the conservation of natural resources.
UNESCO: Speech by Hon Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin During the 184th UNESCO Executive Board Meeting,
This Fund is aimed at enhancing South-South cooperation for capacity building in education and science for the benefit of the Least Developed Countries, Small Island States and in support of the Priority Africa agenda.
UNESCO: Speech by Hon Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin During the 184th UNESCO Executive Board Meeting,
The allocation under this fund is utilized to enhance South-South cooperation for capacity building in education and science for the benefit of the Least Developed Countries, Small Island States and in support of the Priority Africa agenda.
Facilitating Effective ICTPedagogy Integration, South-south Cooperation projects.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Programme Specialist (4/5/2011) (AS/RP/THA/ED/0061 - (P3))
Facilitating Effective ICT-Pedagogy Integration, South-south Cooperation projects.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Programme Specialist (17/1/2012) AF/RP/SEN/ED/0023 - (P3)
Promoting North-South and South-South cooperation is at the root of the strategy of the Programme that is being carried in partnership with the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS), scientific unions of the International Council for Science (ICSU), the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and other science centres, IGOs and NGOs.
Thatcher signed the Anglo-Irish Agreement which laid the foundation for improved North-South cooperation and ultimately the Good Friday Agreement.
The Colloquium introduced new UK UNESCO Chairs and UK-led UNITWIN Networks and examined the UNITWIN UNESCO Chairs Programme as a vehicle for North-South cooperation.
Space for Science project was born as a follow-up of different expert and ministerial meetings initiated by UNESCO in 2001 and 2002 and related to the reconstruction of scientific cooperation in South-East Europe (SEE).
It resulted in the Space for Science project, which aims to facilitate scientific and technical cooperation in South-East Europe by providing virtual, collaborative and education services to academic and higher education institutions through fast academic networks and two-way satellite channels.
The Ministerial Conference followed the international experts' working group, consisting of representatives of Ministries of Culture, and proposed to establish a new unified ministerial platform on culture and development in South-Eastern Europe, in cooperation with UNESCO, the Council of Europe and the European Union, and with the goal to advance common objectives and create synergies amongst the various existing ministerial cooperation mechanisms.
South Korean negotiators had been seeking a new nuclear-cooperation agreement with the U.S. that would allow it to begin enriching uranium and reprocessing spent reactor fuel, arguing these technologies are crucial for Seoul to expand and secure its civilian nuclear-power program.
In addition, the conference will offer the opportunity to discuss on the way to streamline the different cultural cooperation platforms at the ministerial level existing in the South-East European region, in order to improve their coordination and to devise possible forms of convergence.
On Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met in Washington with his South Korean counterpart, Yun Byung Se, and discussed the nuclear-cooperation agreement.
South and North Korea are to expand economic cooperation for balanced development and co-prosperity.
He first received a briefing by Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, on the status of the negotiations, and then met with Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, President of the Conference of the Parties and South African Minister for International Relations and Cooperation.