Attorneys for Vijayan at the Southern Poverty Law Center are considering bringing a case against Signal.
Lucero's stabbing also prompted the Southern Poverty Law Center to undertake an investigation in Suffolk County.
Mark Potok is a director of the Intelligence Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The smear artists at the Southern Poverty Law Center say so, but not even all gay-rights advocates agree.
Dykes has been described as a self-styled survivalist with "anti-government" views, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center's Hatewatch.
In a statement, the Southern Poverty Law Center described as "outrageous" the suggestion that it had contributed to the attack.
It is deeply regrettable that the Southern Poverty Law Center has been reduced to a propaganda arm of enemies of freedom.
In a report for the Southern Poverty Law Center called Discounting Hate, Potok concluded that hate crime statistics are plagued with inaccuracy.
And Mark Potok tracks hate groups from the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Mark Potok, of the hate crime-monitoring Southern Poverty Law Center, says his organization gave up quantifying bias as a fruitless pursuit years ago.
The Southern Poverty Law Center said it has been following Mr. Page and his connection to hate groups for more than 10 years.
Does the Southern Poverty Law Center endorse these MPAC policy positions?
He sits on the board of the Council of Conservative Citizens, which has been classified as a white nationalist group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The 211 gang is one of the most vicious white supremacist groups operating in U.S. prisons, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks extremist groups.
Tim Byrd, chief investigator with the Dale County Sheriff's Office, told the Southern Poverty Law Center's Hatewatch that Dykes was a "survivalist type" with "anti-America" views.
CNN: Questions swirl as man holds boy in Ala. underground bunker
The Southern Poverty Law Center is quick to allege ties between people it calls haters and people who use violence against the object of the purported hatred.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has listed the Family Research Council as a hate group since 2010, pointing to what it describes as its anti-gay propaganda and legislative agenda.
To treat MPAC as a legitimate organization, much less a valued partner of the Southern Poverty Law Center, is an extraordinary rejection of Jewish Americans and of moderate Muslim Americans.
We note with great concern the Southern Poverty Law Center's participation in the widely publicized teleconference sponsored by the Muslim Public Affairs Council on Wednesday, August 15 at 5:30 p.m.
Mr. MARK POTOK (Southern Poverty Law Center): I think that the better policy for independent groups, watchdog groups and so on, is to, as much as possible, stick scrupulously to the truth.
In 2005, according to the online interview, Mr. Page began composing his own music and eventually formed a group called End Apathy, which the Southern Poverty Law Center considers a hate band.
And interest in racist ideology was so high right after the election that computer servers for two White supremacist Web sites crashed, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups.
CNN: White supremacists watched in lead up to Obama administration
National Organization for Marriage President Brian Brown also criticized the Southern Poverty Law Center, saying that its listing of the Family Research Council on its website was equating the group with violent extremist groups.
Currently, there are more than 1, 000 hate groups in the United States, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks them and says it was tracking the Wisconsin gunman for years before the attack.
In 2010, Lauderdale County officials and the center reached an agreement to reform the jail system and consider alternatives to sending youths to the detention center, said the Southern Poverty Law Center, a nonprofit civil rights group.
One of the worst offenders is Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association, a Christian organization whose astounding level of anti-gay rhetoric resulted in it being designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
In 2009, the Lauderdale County Juvenile Detention Facility in Meridian was the target of a federal class-action lawsuit by the Southern Poverty Law Center that alleged children and teens were subjected to "shockingly inhumane" treatment, the center said.
Mark Potok, of the Southern Poverty Law Center, said that while some U.S. extremists applauded the September 11 attacks, there is no indication of such an alliance -- at least not yet, and not on a large scale.
Heidi Beirich, director of research at the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center, said she expected to see an increase in the targeting of African-Americans because of the uptick in hate group activity before the election of President Obama.