Cuomo will make a decision on whether to allow the potentially lucrative drilling in the economically distressed Southern Tier.
Most new plants are going into the southern tier of states where labor is both cheaper and much more often, non-union.
Some of this growth is centered on the automobile industry, which is increasingly focused on the southern tier from South Carolina to Alabama.
When it comes to live plants, "you can't keep them in stores in the southern tier" because demand is so strong, Planalytics President Scott Bernhardt said.
But in 2007, their partner wanted to speculate on Southern Tier land as news of a vast natural gas reserve grew and new technology to extract it was developed.
It was also hard to argue with the success of the newly combined Silver Creek-Forestville modified football team in the state's Southern Tier during its first year this past fall.
Tough environmental regulations and the anticipated widening in 2014 of the Panama Canal are emboldening competitors, particularly across the entire southern tier of the country , most notably in Houston.
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Libous is a Southern Tier Republican leading the effort to allow drilling, arguing it would be a major source of new jobs and economic boon for the state, but environmental groups say fracking threatens public health.
Libous provided the document to The Associated Press after published reports said he was part of a real estate firm that is buying Southern Tier property, which could significantly increase in value if hydraulic fracturing for gas is approved.
Rather than forcing Germans, whose savings rates and current account surplus results from years of fiscal prudence, to lend even more money and suffer higher inflation so that the southern tier can receive more monetary stimulus, Dombret argues the citizens of deficit economies must spend less while working, producing and saving more.
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The debt crisis in the southern-tier European nations remains a significant factor for the markets.
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Fallout from the European debt crisis could have ripple effect beyond just the southern-tier countries.
In addition to Greece, analysts are monitoring the health of other southern-tier European countries.
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Not only are investors selling debt for southern-tier European countries such as Spain and Italy, but also for healthier northern-tier countries such as France, Finland and the Netherlands.
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The worries over the economic health of southern-tier European countries are back to the forefront of news and that is a major reason why many survey participants said they expected higher prices next week.
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To be sure, southern European countries are running huge trade deficits with the northern tier (especially Germany), but as long as all are tied together by the common currency, internal cost and price adjustments (deflation in the south, inflation in the north) will be slow and painful, and will do little to spark growth for Europe as a whole.