The traditional Noongar lands stretch across much of southwestern Australia, encompassing the urban sprawl of Perth.
This lightness began to buoy me and urge me, unfettered, along the highways of southwestern France.
After Ms. Begum recuperates, she plans to return to her family's farm in southwestern Bangladesh.
McCain, from Arizona next door, is hoping his Southwestern roots will help him carry the state.
And then you've got the growth of the Florida and Southwestern area all impacted by immigration.
In southwestern Indiana, Democratic Sheriff Brad Ellsworth is trying to oust six-term Republican John Hostettler.
During the 1990s McDonnell Douglas, Southwestern Bell and Boatmen's Bancshares closed their headquarters after being acquired.
Dr. Ed Livingston is chief of gastrointestinal surgery at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School.
His degrees are from tiny Ouachita Baptist University and the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
About 150 students were on campus Kauhajoki city's School of Hospitality in southwestern Finland.
On the corner of a street tucked in southwestern Bangalore stands a looming poster.
Obama also held a town hall meeting devoted to health care in southwestern Virginia.
Even haute Southwestern cuisine, dry air and brilliant sunsets can come only so cheap.
His congressional district, located in the southwestern part of the state, includes the city of Camden.
The trip begins with four days in China, Beijing, and the southwestern city of Chengdu.
Bonaventure Highway, an elevated eyesore that cuts between Old Montreal and its southwestern neighbour Griffintown, is currently being dismantled.
Twenty-three years later, he drives through his corn and soybean fields in the southwestern corner of Minnesota.
Up to a foot of snow fell in southwestern North Dakota on Monday, causing several vehicle accidents.
Up to a foot of snow fell in southwestern North Dakota, along with freezing rain and sleet.
They claimed the project posed threats to California condors, golden eagles, southwestern willow flycatchers and bats.
FORBES: Pipeline Politics: Keystone XL Vs. Green Fuelishness XXXL
They charged that the installations will also pose hazards to golden eagles, southwestern willow flycatchers and bats.
FORBES: Environmental Groups Strongly Endorse "None Of The Above" Energy Plans
They were located in the area where Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana meet and also in southwestern Kentucky.
Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco urged residents of southwestern Louisiana to be ready to evacuate on short notice.
She is from Al-Hurath village in Jizan province, in southwestern Saudi Arabia near the border with Yemen.
The birds in Xizhou, a charming town in Yunnan Province in extreme southwestern China, had no such restraints.
He also declared a state of emergency for hard-hit Chemung County in the southwestern part of the state.
CNN: N.Y. state official among 3 killed during powerful storms
The dry, hot desert air and laid-back southwestern state of mind creates an otherworldly setting for ultimate relaxation.
That money would fund Forest Service replanting and recovery efforts in the most fire-devastated areas of southwestern Oregon.
The seven-and-a-half-acre memorial sprawls along 800 feet of the Tidal Basin's southwestern shore, adjacent to the Jefferson Memorial.
Analysts generally think investors should stand pat on Southwestern Energy, with 18 of 29 analysts rating it hold.