Once a piece of space-rock enters our atmosphere, it becomes known as a meteor.
CNN: Meteor shows why it is crucial to keep an eye on the sky
The space-rock aesthetic was no doubt influenced by producer and experimental musician Peter Kember, formerly of Spacemen 3.
The song's reverb-doused psychedelia offers a space-rock feel that reaches its apex during the track's huge, two-minute wall-of-sound finish.
Philadelphia's The Asteroid No. 4 takes dreamy shoegazer pop and mixes in elements of '60s psychedelia and latter-day space rock to create a folk-rock sound that falls somewhere between The Byrds and The Stone Roses.
In 1908 a comparatively tiny piece of space-borne rock, 30-50 metres across, exploded above Tunguska, a remote part of Siberia.
That one was expected -- but the same day, an unrelated, 45-foot space rock plunged into the atmosphere and exploded high over southwestern Russia, injuring an estimated 1, 200 people.
And a few years before that, an 80-tonne space rock called 2008 TC3 ploughed into the Earth's atmosphere, largely burning up and scattering fragments over the Sudan - just 20 hours after it was discovered.
In one downstairs, there's a hidden toilet area, lighted with an Ingo Maurer winged bulb, as well as a vast shower and bath space, complete with rock-covered walls.
WSJ: Jane Friedman's New York Apartment: A Home That Books Built
Rock-bottom interest rates mean that, economically, there is theoretically space for more expansionary fiscal policy.
Up-close examination of a captured asteroid would also yield insights into the economic value of space rock resources and shed light on the best ways to deflect potentially dangerous asteroids away from Earth.
MSN: NASA might lasso an asteroid and drag it to orbit near moon
In this environment, unsoftened by so much as a cushion or a curtain, Gary Yershon's amplified rock soundtrack echoes and re-echoes, assaulting us as we share this dismal space with the grey-tracksuited ranks of prisoners.