She added that the next step was to get the suits tested on an actual space mission.
What's interesting from the perspective of this column is that it is Europe and not America that is launching this space mission.
In 1988, in the first space mission since the explosion of the shuttle Challenger in January 1986, the shuttle Discovery was launched.
So instead of a vision of the future, we are now sort of looking back at this heroic period of the space mission.
Worms have survived their first space mission - living in liquid.
The current space mission is Chris Hadfield's third trip into orbit.
However results emerging from the so-called Mars500 project suggests that even carefully screened individuals are likely to suffer from psychological problems from a prolonged space mission.
All of it is travelling at several kilometres per second - sufficient velocity for even the smallest fragment to do a lot of damage if it strikes an operational space mission.
The preferred way to deal with rogue asteroids is still a Hollywood-style heroic space mission to knock the object off course, or possibly blow it up although almost surely as an unmanned effort.
ECONOMIST: The American Association for the Advancement of Science
Baty also points to the fact that Cal Tech manages the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the federally funded NASA research and development center that has been in the news for its Mars Rover robotic space mission.
The biggest takeaway is just how many achievements IBM has actually has been a part of -- everything from typewriters and the modern day credit card magnetic strip, to the computing power behind the Apollo space mission.
ENGADGET: IBM's THINK Exhibit invades NYC, aims to inspire (video)
Now Major Peake, as he waits to be assigned a space mission, is in an ongoing programme of spacesuit training, zero-g flights to "practice weightlessness" and 12-day stints 20m (65ft) under water to research "crew behaviour for long-duration missions".
BBC: Major Tim Peake says he is not too old to go into space
And if the crew assigned to man the deep-space mission travels up separately to the station, it would also mean all the elements for their long-duration flight could be launched without the complications of ultra-safe abort systems that complicate manned rockets.
Space shuttle mission specialist Daniel Barry battled an issue common for many Earth-bound office workers: printer problems.
On Thursday, December 3, the target launch of the space shuttle Endeavour on an eleven-day International Space Station mission is scheduled at Cape Canaveral.
On 18 August, the week before the loss of the space station mission, a Proton vehicle failed to put a communications satellite in its proper orbit.
On 18 August, the week before the loss of the space station mission, a Proton rocket failed to put a communications satellite in its proper orbit.
Before joining the astronaut corps in 2004, Marshburn worked as a flight surgeon for NASA. He flew to the space station once before, in 2009, on the STS-127 space shuttle mission.
If you didn't manage to follow the whole Space X Dragon mission, then a handy video featuring the highlights of the recent journey found its way onto YouTube this week.
ENGADGET: Alt-week 7.21.12: Outer space, flying hotels and federal trolls
In order to determine the location of the leak, the crew had been sealing off small peripheral modules of the space station while Mission Control looked for accelerated pressure drops inside the sealed-off sections.
Space Shuttle Endeavour was staged for a possible rescue mission in case Space Shuttle Atlantis gets into trouble while the crew is fixing the Hubble Telescope.
He joined Nasa in 1980 and is a veteran of four space shuttle flights, commanding the mission that launched the Hubble Space Telescope into orbit in 1990.
Moscow (CNN) -- The Russian space agency on Monday postponed the launch of a new manned mission to the International Space Station due to last week's accident in which an unmanned cargo craft was lost, the state news agency RIA Novosti reported.
In front of you, you have the joint crew of Endeavour and the Space Station, and we are the ones that are fortunate enough to be able to accomplish this great mission together in space.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama's call to the International Space Station
Second, find the person who will galvanize public support behind a new NASA mission in space.
FORBES: NASA, Got Space Exploration? Get Goals, Get Funding and Get Uhura.
Her focus included emphasizing Air Force core values, its mission in space, and funding for F-22 fighters.
Scientists at the University of Arizona are collaborating with NASA and Lockheed Martin Space Systems on this mission.
Haignere, an air force pilot who visited Mir for three weeks in 1993, plans two space walks during his mission.
Here at the Major League Baseball Fan Cave in downtown NYC, the team has just unveiled its space program-inspired Mission Control Center.