Over the past year, the volume of spam e-mail from Web-based mail services like Gmail, Yahoo!
Officials said they were attempting to identify the people behind the spam e-mail schemes.
Stock-scam Web sites can reach millions instantly via spam E-mail and banner advertising at little or no cost.
In 2004, Bill Gates claimed that it would take two years to solve the problem of spam e-mail.
Please note it is possible that you may receive SPAM e-mail messages.
This jars with the nine-year prison sentence recently handed down to Jeremy Jaynes, convicted in Virginia of sending vast amounts of spam e-mail through AOL's servers.
At the very least a large number of users are going to start receiving new spam e-mail, having had their e-mail address leaked across the Internet.
The e-mail security firm Postini confirms that the flow of spam e-mail that it tracks and blocks--between six and eight billion messages a week--hasn't decreased since Soloway's arrest.
William Leichter of the e-mail security firm Tumbleweed Communications confirms that the arrest of Robert Soloway failed to control spam e-mail levels for more than a few days.
These "zombies" are turned to a variety of malicious purposes, ranging from participating in denial of service attacks on Web sites to generating huge batches of spam e-mail.
The shares are trading at 3 cents, and the spam e-mail says it expects them to go to over 20 cents based on some vague and confusing "information" included in the e-mail.
Far more common--but still damaging--are the high-volume crime spikes, spam e-mail distribution and "phishing, " a pernicious technique for stealing credit-card information. (For more on online scams, check out "Where The Scammers Are".) The carnage is hard to pin down in dollar terms, but Marcus Ranum, chief security officer of Tenable Security, says it's "billions upon billions"--far more than all "major" hacking incidents combined.
While free Web services produced just 6% of the Internet's pill-hawking and scam-pitching e-mail a year ago, automated spam programs exploiting Web e-mail services now produce more than 12% of digital junk mail, with Microsoft's Webmail services alone accounting for around 4%.
Rather than spreading spam through e-mail, criminals are now turning to social networks where they can launch sophisticated attacks against users that appear to come from trusted friends and family.
On Monday, users of the forums had begun complaining about receiving a flood of spam in their e-mail.
Just as with America Online (AOL), users pay a monthly fee to use MSN 8 that includes spam filters, e-mail managing software, and other tools.
Everyone hates getting spam mail and no wants to have their e-mail accounts hacked.
FORBES: Can Microsoft's New Alternative To Hotmail Take On Gmail?
Like e-mail spam with a spoofed identity, the Related Post shows up in a newsfeed right under the user's name and picture.
Following a weekend e-mail spam campaign proclaiming "huge news expected out on APPM, get in before the wire", trading on the following Monday reached 484, 568 shares, pushing the stock to more than 19 cents a share.
Corporations and Internet service providers (ISP) spend tens of millions of dollars a year trying to keep their networks clear of unsolicited e-mail (spam).
These documents were neatly organized in folders, but my e-mail (including large volumes of spam) was just sitting, uncategorized, in my in-box.
"A clothing store's fall fashion lineup e-mail blitz is basically indistinguishable from spam, both for the technology providers and the customer, " says Scott Petry, founder of Postini, an e-mail security management provider in Redwood City, Calif.
Coleman said that part of the system is similar to spam filters used by Google and other e-mail providers.
It found that 34% more spam is passing SPF checks than legitimate e-mail.
By 2004, it's estimated that 80% of all e-mail will be spam.
Corporations and Internet service providers spend tens of millions of dollars a year trying to keep their networks clear of unsolicited e-mail, or spam.
In the 108th Congress, he sponsored legislation providing benefits to emergency responders who are injured by the smallpox vaccine, as well legislation to limit unsolicited e-mail, or spam.
No 10 says there are anti-spam measures and people who want to sign a petition have to give an e-mail address and a UK address including postcode, or an overseas address.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Hunting support tops e-petitions