That means fewer tractors and the carbon-sparing equivalent of taking 6 million cars off the road.
How about the same method to deliver vaccines, sparing the costs of refrigeration and needles?
Firing Back is full of wreckage and hard-fought redemption, sparing little detail and never going gooey.
In the test tube Trail causes cancer cells to kill themselves while sparing normal cells.
Generally, there is a 10-day comment period for residents to argue for sparing a tree.
WSJ: If a Tree Falls, Will the Lights Go Out? Maybe in Connecticut
Practically speaking that's a pretty good deal, sparing the public both grief and money.
WSJ: Bret Stephens: North Korea and Iran Are Practicing Extortion
Ibrahim Helal, thank you very much for sparing the time to talk to us.
This nation can lead the world in sparing innocent people from a plague of nature.
Governor John Kasich has a better way, sparing the sanity and the work hours of his staff.
Thus, given that land sparing protects biodiversity the best, GM is better for biodiversity than organic farming.
FORBES: Genetic Modification: Proof that GM is Good for the Environment
In their Wharton films, both he and Mr Davies are sparing with music, but use it tellingly.
So far the main thing sparing Coke from a true debacle is the strength of the brand itself.
Frugal often also means being sparing in the use of raw materials and their impact on the environment.
Will he seize it or make matters worse by being insincere and sparing with the facts and apologies?
But now all of the stomach-sparing Cox-2 inhibitors may pose a heart risk.
In Saudi Arabia, for instance, the government is sparing no expense in building state of the art surveillance systems.
The world's largest land-locked country wants to build a tennis empire, and it's sparing no expense along the way.
But by apparently sparing senior bank bondholders, the euro zone has again shown that no principle is above political meddling.
FORBES: How To Really Bail Out Cyprus: Take It All From The Large Depositors
But some patients are ineligible for nerve-sparing surgery, as the cancer resides too close to the nerves to spare them.
But the key to sparing the stomach, many scientists believe, also puts patients at risk for heart attacks and strokes.
Brady bonds can be used to diversify risk internationally while sparing the portfolio from concerns stemming from fluctuating currency exchange rates.
The robots sent video back to the troops, sparing them the risk of being dispatched by booby trap or enemy combatant.
For example, monoclonal antibodies target and kill tumors while sparing healthy cells.
FORBES: A Coming Renaissance In Pharmaceutical Research & Development?
He was sparing both with budgets and with film, and compulsively private.
Instead it sustained the above-average compensation of members of an influential union, sparing them from most of the sacrifices typically made in bankruptcy.
WSJ: James Sherk and Todd Zywicki: Obama's United Auto Workers Bailout
But her computer model predicts that some slow-growing tumors could be treated just as well with less-frequent radiation, sparing patients bad side effects.
Giuliani ordered a 15 percent cut in spending by most city departments, sparing only the police and fire departments and the school system.
And so by the spring, the talks must show enough of a pulse to convince Congress that there is a deal worth sparing.
ECONOMIST: It is make-or-break time this spring for global trade talks
Some worried that the local boards would merely become the vehicles for unpopular school closings, sparing the archdiocese the wrath of local communities.
In return for that unspecified payment, the aggrieved author agreed to keep the matter confidential, sparing Goodwin any negative publicity at the time.