This was one of the reasons the credit rating agencies began their recent spate of downgrades.
But since last September, the two companies have been involved in a bitter spate of lawsuits.
There were a spate of crashes between 2006 and 2009 in which passengers were injured.
The recent spate of garment-factory disasters in Bangladesh spotlights the poor working conditions in that country.
Thompson gets visibly riled when he talks about the spate of recent corporate scandals.
The violence follows a spate of attacks preceding the country's provincial elections, set for Saturday.
Sekerbank's attempted bond sale follows a spate of deals from Turkish banks this month.
The Republican-led North Dakota Legislature has endorsed a spate of anti-abortion Legislation this year.
In the current spate of elections, the populists are not carrying all before them.
Police in Dumfries and Galloway said there had been a spate of minor accidents on Tuesday.
This prompted a spate of denials by other officials that any change was imminent.
Miss Hill is the latest victim in a spate of murders across West Yorkshire.
There was also a spate of minor accidents in the Borders due to the icy conditions.
Northampton coach Budge Pountney refused to blame a spate of late withdrawals for his side's defeat.
The incidents are the latest in a spate of passenger-boat disasters in African countries.
According to a spate of recent media reports, Iran's economy is on the skids.
And a spate of condominium developments is aimed at the growing number of working single salarywomen.
After all, too much testosterone in the current spate of mergers could cost shareholders dearly.
And there has been a spate of announcements of factory closures and job losses.
Three men were shot dead in a spate of feuding by loyalists in Northern Ireland .
His father cited a premium on education and language as reasons for the spate of Indian-American winners.
Fear of bureaucratic attacks also explains a spate of Russian flotations, often of smallish stakes, in London.
Instead, David hopes a spate of new energy-saving devices now in UTC labs will provide continued growth.
Black ice coating roads in neighbouring Croatia has caused a spate of accidents, national TV reports said.
And three college students have been arrested in connection with a spate of rural Alabama church arsons.
There had been a spate of car-jackings in the greater Belfast area since the beginning of 2012.
The spate of killings ended in June 1985 when Lake was arrested for shoplifting in San Francisco.
Expectations of continued cheap gas have led to a spate of recent deals such as Mitsubishi Corp.
There was some fear that the FDA might ask for a whole new spate of safety trials.
And the company has cranked out a spate of hit products with no major supply chain problems.
FORBES: Apple's 2012 Will Be Awesome, Apple Has No Other Choice