And we hoped that, as the economy worsened, Labour's voice would get louder, more forceful and that Ed Miliband would step up and speak out against the tearing apart of communities and families as they face insecurity and uncertainty.
BBC: Dave Prentis
Around the world, they stand up, speak out and tweet in the name of justice.
UN: Secretary-General
"Somebody has to stand up and speak out, " says Yogendra Yadav, political analyst and member of the as yet-unnamed party.
BBC: Is Arvind Kejriwal a harbinger of a new Indian politics?
Which firms are ready to step up and speak out?
FORBES: Advisors Who Didn't Talk Clients Down From Facebook Ledge Are Bums
"My job is to stand up and speak out on behalf of children and to do that I use the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, " he said.
BBC: News
The students' union at Oxford University has expressed its "outrage" at the proposals and has called on the university to speak out against top-up fees.
BBC: Students could face big fee rise
The process draws out ideas and opinions from people who might otherwise hesitate to speak up.
FORBES: Expose Yourself
Through intensive one-on-one exchanges with teachers and special tools like picture cards, Spike started learning how to speak up, rather than act out, when he was uncomfortable.
CNN: Autism: What we know right now
Former store managers speak guiltily of stiffing employees out of overtime pay, busting up attempts to unionize, and pushing poor families onto public assistance, and a Missouri family that had built up a grocery store through three generations describes how the store went bust soon after Wal-Mart opened one of its gigantic facilities in their town.
NEWYORKER: Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price
At core rehearsals, the broad themes of interpretation, tempo and phrasing are hashed out ahead of tutti rehearsals, in which each player is encouraged to speak up.
WSJ: Orpheus Chamber Orchestra | Personal Code of Conduct | By Corinna da Fonseca-Wollheim