"Probably the most difficult thing is speaking English all day, " he says, massaging his jaw.
WSJ: Snapshot of a Curator | Quentin Bajac | Cultural Conversation by Richard B. Woodward
The embassy is warning Americans in France to be careful about speaking English on the streets.
It's like two people speaking English but one person is from Brooklyn and the other is from Boston.
" He concludes: "In other words, you don't get it by speaking English.
America needed money and arms more than gallants (who, not speaking English, could not even communicate with Washington's troops).
Four weeks later, he had talked his way (speaking English and Mandarin helped) into a job as John Lone's double.
Then again, if English brings wealth why is Africa still downtrodden despite many Africans speaking English more fluently than the Japanese?
One of the four activists I met was obviously uncomfortable speaking English, even though born and raised in the United Kingdom.
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Naturalisation ceremonies are bilingual, and speaking English is not required for citizenship.
The Sotheby's member of staff on the telephone was not speaking English.
The Scots, fumes Charles Jones, a professor of English language at Edinburgh University, have been speaking English for just as long as those south of the border.
When it came to speaking English, 20 of 50 sampled certificates - the university's seal of approval for a student - showed evidence that their English had not been properly tested.
The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI) wants the government to scrap the test - it says that breaking up families is more damaging than some migrants not speaking English.
"I would describe it as a combination of two great languages to create a new expression that is richer than just speaking English or Spanish, " says Cristina Burgos, who last year decided to write a blog in Spanglish.
But for the legal sort, the signs of mobility and assimilation are everywhere not assimilation as in becoming the same as everyone else, but assimilation as in becoming citizens, taking part in politics, enlisting in the army, paying taxes and speaking English.
Canada's linguistic politics require equal amounts for French-speaking and English-speaking Africa.
Illustrating the alienation immigrants feel in their adopted country is that the audience hears the cast speaking flawless English whenever the characters are actually meant to be speaking Russian among themselves.
You could see that here in this cathedral at Christmas Masses, speaking in English, German, Spanish and Italian.
Some pupils arrive speaking no English: they are offered up to four years' specialist help, but expectations are not lowered.
Educational bureaucrats are in a snit over the passage of Proposition 227, which requires that non-English-speaking students be taught English as rapidly as possible.
He comes over well at home and (speaking excellent English) abroad.
It was a wonderful and strange little Christmas party, with us speaking no Dutch and the nuns speaking no English, except for the tiny bit Mother Superior knew.
"It is important we support medium-size companies, together with programs from national development banks, so they can access credit and be suppliers to Pemex, and make sure over the next few years that we develop a strong oil-servicing industry in Mexico that can grow and be regionally competitive, " he said, speaking in English.
They will also consider other sources of income for the eisteddfod, sharing resources with the Urdd youth organisation, increasing visitor numbers, including among non-Welsh speaking families, and better assistance to new and English speaking visitors.
They will also consider other sources of income for the eisteddfod, sharing resources with the Urdd youth organisation, increasing visitor numbers - including non-Welsh speaking families - and better assistance to new and English-speaking visitors.
When it began, many among the French-speaking majority felt that they were bossed around by an English-speaking elite.
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She said of course people drop English words into conversation in Welsh, like people speaking in French use English words.
BBC: The new tool is designed to help people in the workplace
Many of the black elite, who send their children to English-speaking private schools or former white state schools, may accept English emerging as the sole national language.