Speaking of the future, make sure to send a polite thank you note via email after you obtain the feedback and thank them for their time and insights.
Gregory Nagy, a professor of classical Greek literature at Harvard, is a gentle academic of the sort who, asked about the future, will begin speaking of Homer and the battles of the distant past.
Sir Geoffrey Rowland was speaking about the future of the nearly 1, 000-year-old relationship with the English Crown.
Speaking about the future of the bank, Mr Hester said that the reprivatisation of RBS is "within reach".
When speaking casually about the future of webOS on non-HP handsets, he noted that the firm was looking to license webOS to various other hardware manufacturers.
ENGADGET: HP's Leo Apotheker totally open to licensing webOS to other handset makers
Muzzled for weeks by U.S. securities regulations that have prohibited him from speaking publicly about the future of his company, James Murdoch has been hard to pin down for a formal interview.
The coalition government is currently consulting on the future of aviation policy and Ms Villiers was speaking at the Transport Times conference, on Wednesday, looking at A New Strategy for UK Aviation - The Case for New Hub Capacity.
The education minister was speaking in the assembly on Monday as he launched proposals for the future of education in Northern Ireland.
BBC: Education minister says school closures may be necessary
The pattern of future growth may, relatively speaking, favour today's low-income groups more than the better-off.
Sanjay Samaddar, the chief executive officer of ArcelorMittal Central Eastern Europe, was speaking to CNN ahead of the release of an action plan for the future of the steel industry, due to be unveiled in June by the European Commission.
Baroness Scotland, speaking for Labour, asked about the future of specialist domestic violence courts and multi-agency risk assessment conferences.
Those quick to judge her for seeking such public closure (a national tabloid magazine cover? why not counseling?) will be happy to know that Nordegren told People she had no intention of speaking publicly about her relationship with Woods in the future, and looks forward to a private life with her children.
FORBES: Elin Nordegren And The New Face Of The Scorned Woman
Speaking of time, when you do choose to jump into the future and Explore the actors etc, when you go back to the guide, you leave the future and return to the here and now, which isn't what we'd expect.
Speaking in the latest of a series of BBC webcasts on Scotland's future, Mr Purvis said the three parties had all been considering options to strengthen devolution.
Democratic Senator Joseph Biden, speaking on ABC's "This Week, " warned of future trouble if the Sunnis can't be brought on board.
Speaking in a BBC webcast, Mr McDougall also said plans for the future of Scottish devolution would be set out "long in advance" of the referendum.
Speaking exclusively to BBC Sport Online, Brooke said any blueprint on the future of the game should include turning London Welsh into one of the nation's provincial powers.
In a true vision of a sci-fi future, you could imagine someone speaking to you and the text appearing on screen.
FORBES: The Potentially World-Changing New Feature in Google's Project Glass
Speaking to the New York Economic Club, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve gave several hints at the future path of monetary policy.
FORBES: The End Of The Bernanke Put? Chairman Sparks Sell Off As He Indicates More QE Is Coming
Speaking earlier this month, Mr Maillaud warned there was no hope of solving the murders "in the near future".
BBC: French Alps murders: Uncle's concerns over police probe
Speaking afterwards, Mr Brown took the opportunity to confirm that the Department of Tourism and Leisure was the department responsible for future TT events.