Nor is this a new phenomenon: Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus have dressed as sexy schoolgirls.
Was a controversy involving Britney Spears a few months earlier also an ethical lapse?
From Angelina Jolie's adoptions to Britney Spears and other celebrity births, babies are the new in-crowd.
Spears' ex-husband Kevin Federline, who ranks third on our list, serves as another example.
Luckovich says he's convinced the North Carolina senator was separated at birth from Britney Spears.
Still, Spears no longer ranks last in our rankings--a dubious title she earned last year.
Among others of whom audiences have tired: Britney Spears, Lindasay Lohan and the ever-present Olsen twins.
Spears and Trawick, who had been dating since 2009, became engaged in December 2011.
"I'll always adore him and we will remain great friends, " Spears, 31, said in a statement.
Naturally, Cowell will stick around but Reid and Spears both said they won't return.
Our ancestors made spears, slings and bows and mastered their use in hunting and warfare.
The spears and tridents that various warriors keep clutching glow in their fists like molten iron.
Ms Spears and Mr Federline must appear at a further hearing on 26 October.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Britney granted overnight custody
However, with Spears at the judges' table, ratings probably won't be a concern, Gallo said.
Some of her fans thought the gesture was aimed at them, and Spears later apologised.
Other names circulating for "X Factor" posts include singers ranging from Vanessa Hudgens to Britney Spears.
Mr Spears has also been granted permission to sack his daughter's business manager, Howard Grossman.
Others on the list included Britney Spears, Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga.
One name many vendors agreed they do not want associated with their brand: Britney Spears.
He said police were pursuing the raiders, who used firearms, spears, machetes and arrows.
The finds include spears, knives, iron brooches, reaping hooks and the decorative bronze trim from a shield.
"I think it was a black and white thing .... they worked together with this, " Spears said.
Britney Spears, Avril Lavigne and several other high-profile celebrities submitted written testimony in favor of the bill.
Consider the divorce settlement between one-time pop tartlet Britney Spears and her ex Kevin Federline, a backup dancer.
Consumers have grown tired of Spears' consistently bad behavior, says In Touch Weekly Editor In Chief Richard Spencer.
For Lancer investors, who included Alfred Taubman and Britney Spears, the verdict may not be so thrilling.
Consider pop tart Britney Spears, whose every move from club-hopping to head-shaving has grabbed gobs of tabloid ink.
Britney Spears won best pop video for Womanizer, with prizes also going to Green Day, Eminem and TI.
Teens and young men choose such games as a Pepsi racing challenge that features a Britney Spears lookalike.
But by 2002, Justin's high-profile relationship with Britney Spears was falling apart and 'N Sync went on hiatus.