Last year, the publisher acquired Hybride Studios, a Montreal-based special-effects company, where the film was shot.
Fuller got his feet wet in the business 16 years ago, while heading a special-effects team at Disney.
Biographer and longtime friend Tony Dalton confirmed the special-effects titan's death, saying it was too soon to tell the exact cause.
Mr. Panitch says he sometimes uses Fox's vast array of film production resources like relationships with special-effects companies to dress up foreign films.
Now that Apple has both a digital editor and Nothing Real's high-end special-effects applications, it has the makings of a serious digital filmmaking software suite.
Del Toro had filled the house with dozens of monster maquettes from his films scale models created by special-effects shops during the early design phase, allowing the imaginary to become palpable.
For a movie like "Wrath of the Titans, " which is basically "Gladiator" crossed with "Lord of the Rings" crossed with a special-effects demo reel (call it "Lord of the Rinky-Dink"), he's the perfect actor.
Until now, Viewpoint's strategy has been to place itself at the bottom of the feeding chain: film studios and special-effects houses customise its models before Steven Spielberg and his ilk weave them into their story lines.
The director, Joe Dante, and his team (which includes the screenwriter Charlie Haas and the effects supervisor Rick Baker) have made a multimillion-dollar, special-effects-crammed picture that has the loose, improvisatory feel of the great Warner Brothers cartoons of the forties and fifties.
Second, Ari Rapkin, a computer graphics software engineer at ILM, introduces an amazing paradox: What the special-effects crews are doing is often not emulating physics but tweaking it--because storytelling is better served by showing the audience what it expects, not what would actually happen if a 3-foot-tall creature drew his light saber.
And it is exactly this that the organizers of the 2012 event hoped to emulate, with "a piece of theater on the water" -- complete with music, fireworks and special effects -- not to mention 20, 000 people on a 7-mile-long flotilla made up of 1, 000 boats.
Burnett has said he made the special effects-filled project to help tackle "Bible illiteracy" among young people.
As studios have focused increasingly on special effects-laden films built around pre-sold characters from comic books and the like, action stars' place in the firmament is vastly diminished.
The best news for the picture came overseas, where Mr. Cruise has remained far more popular than in the U.S. and where special effects-laden movies tend to do better.
"Casino Royale" was Fleming's first story and the film features a harder, grittier character than the one portrayed by Pierce Brosnan in 2002's "Die Another Day, " a special effects-laden commercial success but critical flop.
But with advances in special effects -- in this case a mixture of real sharks, animatronic sharks and digitally created sharks -- Harlin and his team show us a whole monster, swimming and interacting with the humans.
Aside from one brief (and special effects-free) new scene involving Dwayne Johnson and Channing Tatum playing video games together, the film that was released last week is the same film as was intended to be released in June of 2012.
As big-budget special effects grow ever more ungrounded, the movies that rely on them are coming unmoored.
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This reaction is put down to the ground-breaking special effects which gave the film an unprecedented air of reality.
Digital Domain broke new ground last year with the Oscar-winning special effects in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
In-camera special effects and filter effects such as Nostalgic Sepia, Vivid and Painting help satisfy amateurs and enthusiasts alike.
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He makes lavish use of computer-generated special effects, but he still passionately prefers the look and feel of celluloid film.
The PG-13 thriller stars "Avatar's" Sam Worthington, who has yet to prove he can open a film without being surrounded by big-budget special effects.
"Independence Day" was finished in record time for a director with an almost obsessive attention to detail and a predilection for lavish, time-consuming special effects.
Among the state-of-the-art special effects included a giant, sparkling polar bear rising from the stadium floor and hovering over performers on a simulated ice floe.
It argued that the UK could be a global hub for the video games and special effects industries - but only if its education system got its act together.
That's because the three men who created Blue Man a trippy cabaret act that features three mute men in blue face paint backed by high-tech special effects and lots of toilet paper, food and other props did appear on Leno and they do shill (silently) for Intel.
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