Washington will issue a statement in April acknowledging the special demands placed on Okinawans, who host 40 of the 94 U.S. bases and most of the 47, 000 American troops stationed in Japan.
Mr Sarkozy has similarly criticised demands for special treatment from France's Muslim community.
"We need to consider the common good, not just the demands of special interest groups who benefit financially from immigration, " he said.
But effective therapies are currently expensive and, despite the widespread demands at the conference for special arrangements that would lower their price in poor countries, are unlikely to become cheap enough for routine use there for some time.
There is increasing impatience with the UK and what are seen as its incessant demands to be treated as a special case.
Instead, as state law demands, the funds went to a special pool reserved for building schools.
Today corporations face a world of fragmented special interest groups and communities all making competing and even contradictory demands on business.
Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia and Rep. John Conyers of Michigan has simultaneously inflamed the situation and clarified the gambit with their demands, respectively, for intelligence committee investigations and special prosecutors.
The special love Texans have for pickups may be connected with the functional demands of private land ownership.
In the Analytical Report and its recommendations special attention is paid at correspondence of the content of education to the demands of a present-day socio-cultural situation, ensuring continuity of education at different levels of the education system.
The military tried to negotiate with the militants, but their demands to release militants held prisoner in Algeria were deemed unreasonable, leading to intervention by special forces troops backed by the Algerian Air Force, Sallal said.
"They had been engaged in the process from 18 months to two years of discussion with government and management and now, suddenly, they present memoranda and say you have got 14 days to come to an agreement with our demands otherwise we are going to go out on strike, " Ian Phillips, a special adviser to Public Enterprises Minister Jeff Radebe, told the BBC's World Business Report.
Lieutenant Colonel ALEX FENLEY (Special Forces Command): When you come into the Special Forces community, you know you're going to be deployed for a longer period of time, the demands are going to be a little bit different and maybe more arduous.