But such incentives are a normal tool of economic policy, especially in developing countries witness the special economic zones of China, or the incentives available to multinationals that set up regional headquarters in Singapore.
Along the way, he was involved in setting up China's successful special economic zones, which brought huge flows of capital and technology into the nation.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Cover: The Son of Heaven?
In a speech in August in the southern boomtown of Shenzhen, to mark its 30th anniversary as one of China's first Special Economic Zones, Mr Wen argued in unusually strong terms for the importance of political reform.
Kim Jong Il often appeared to toy with the idea of Chinese-style market reforms usually after visiting China and set up several "special economic zones" in the border area, but repeatedly balked at introducing the necessary reforms to allow private enterprise to flourish.
WSJ: Trade Binds North Korea to China