He also pointed out that decrypting GSM still requires special equipment and is more secure than a typical landline.
Weir is the world's largest provider of special equipment used in the process.
Some patients' heartburn may be caused by micro-erosions only visible with special equipment.
The police have extended their searches, pumped water from boggy ground, brought in special equipment and asked for more specific information.
"We have no special equipment to search or lift the wreckage, " said the spokesman, Abu Omar, by Skype from the province.
But such wires are much easier to repair because they can be visually inspected whereas underground lines require special equipment and crews.
No special equipment was required to watch the shower, which occurs when Earth passes through a stream of dusty debris from the comet Swift-Tuttle.
Of course, you can always use a streaming music service on a computer and output the digital signal from there without any special equipment.
Oxfam says it did not send its contacts any special equipment.
No special equipment is needed (although a heart rate monitor can be helpful for gauging how hard you are working) and interval training can be done either outdoors or indoors.
Each can be carried out by children of all ages in schools around the world and no special equipment is needed (all experiments can be done with laboratory equipment at schools).
At the hearing Thursday, Holder said the money is needed for special equipment and facilities for the highly classified task force work necessary to enable the detention facility to be closed.
CNN: Holder: Suspected Gitmo terrorists won't be freed in U.S.
On April 17, 2012, EPA issued new rules requiring operators to use special equipment to separate and capture the gas and liquid hydrocarbons from the flowback that comes from the fractured wells.
FORBES: Why Anti-Fracking Groups Are Shifting Their Story From Water To Air Quality
Would Immersive Communications require any special equipment?
Newmark said people should not peer up at the sky to view the solar event without special viewing equipment.
My Toyota dealer later informed me that only a dealer can tell how much fluid to refill the transmission with because only they have the special diagnostic equipment (laptop) to do that, and that the dipstick FULL reading isn't accurate.
Prof Gary Tearney, one of the research collaborators, said the technology is cheaper than endoscopy and avoids the need for sedation, specialised equipment or special training.
Data centers typically house servers and other equipment that have special air conditioning, power and security needs.
There aren't many ways to hop in the time machine and enjoy old-school hardware the way it was meant to be enjoyed, and that's what makes virgin unboxings of vintage equipment so very special.
ENGADGET: 20th Anniversary Mac unboxing video kind of makes us wish product had never existed
U.S. Special Forces were bringing troops and equipment into the Harir airstrip near Erbil, Iraq, and another airstrip in northeast Iraq near Sulaymaniyah.
At one polling station, we found a unit of Iraqi special forces - with noticeably better equipment than regular army soldiers - were in charge of security, searching everyone going in.
Black Hawks carry special pods on each side for specialist equipment, such as medical gear.
What's attractive about the equipment trusts is they have special protections for the senior investors that most other creditors don't get in a bankruptcy--namely, senior investors can take possession of the aircraft backing the security without going through a lot of court hurdles.
Cities globally have, on occasion, used short-term equipment rentals to fill in a special need, such as hosting the Olympics.
Some versions of the helicopter can carry up to 9, 000lbs of external equipment like all-terrain vehicles used by special forces.
These ranged from transporting Marine and Army units and much of their equipment into battle, to search and rescue, special forces and electronic warfare operations.
Each convoy was led by a pickup truck loaded with supplies, followed in one case by Special Forces members on six all-terrain vehicles and in a separate case by Special Forces members on 25 ATVs, all heavily packed with equipment.
The Ministry of Defence said the cost of repatriating equipment from Afghanistan would be met by the Treasury's Special Reserve - traditionally used to pay for in-theatre operations - rather than the defence budget.
The laparoscopic equipment features voice-activated lights, ceiling-mounted monitors and special green lights to reduce the strain on staff's eyes.