Apart from specialised nerve cells, there is a lot of anatomical specialisation in the brain itself.
Students entering the school's course can choose from one of 14 different areas of specialisation.
The problem is that quantity restrictions prevent the specialisation gains that repeated complaining gives.
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It is not enough to say that specialisation and the division of labour yield enormous economic benefits.
Specialisation, in which a firm does only one phase of the manufacturing cycle, partly explains this fragmentation.
The division of labour, the specialisation of it and the trade in the resultant production makes everyone richer.
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We already know foreign specialisation has squeezed the Brits out of most merchant, ferry and cruise liner building.
In theory, such specialisation should increase the efficiency of the venture-capital process, as it does in other industries.
In an age of intense specialisation and professionalism in science, she appeared as a happy amateur and generalist.
Its specialisation in investment goods, cars and other expensive consumer products makes the upswings higher but downturns sharper.
Fundamentally, the besetting sin of American academia is not celebrity professors but hyper-specialisation.
He believes that a combination of economies of scale and specialisation can radically reduce the cost of heart surgery.
The choice between specialisation or diversification may be more complicated than it appears.
Large countries have bigger internal markets, allowing more specialisation and returns to scale.
Merck, which is particularly strong in the field of cardiovascular drugs, shows how specialisation can work for a company.
And because there is less scope for specialisation than at big firms, jobs are more varied and employees can acquire skills quickly.
Of course, the archaeological record cannot prove which sex was doing what, or even if specialisation was determined by sex at all.
There is money to be made, Mr Urban believes, from more specialisation.
Opening up China should boost global productivity growth by allowing greater specialisation.
Go back all the way to Adam Smith and the point of trade is the division and specialisation of labour that it allows.
Thanks to the internet's open standards, extreme specialisation is now emerging in outsourced business services, just as it did earlier in consumer electronics.
The director's future ambition is to create a world class research library whose primary specialisation will be the civilisations of the eastern Mediterranean.
These firms benefit not only from a history of specialisation but also from readier access to the mighty capital markets of their home country.
Which means that the size of the trade area is a good proxy for how much division, specialisation and thus benefit that you can get.
In an age before intellectual specialisation, it was not uncommon for a factory owner to read philosophy or for a doctor to play the flute beautifully.
The archaeological record, however, shows few signs of any specialisation among the Neanderthals from their appearance about 250, 000 years ago to their disappearance 30, 000 years ago.
The A-levels and GNVQs are to change in an effort to broaden the courses for lower sixth pupils to get away from the traditional narrow specialisation at A-level.
What of the advantages of specialisation and division of labour?
Given that specialisation and economies of scale you ended up getting the electricity a great deal cheaper even as the producer was making a good profit on supplying you.
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The requirements for such co-operation, and hence for modern economic life, which is founded on specialisation and an infinitely elaborated division of labour, are more demanding than you might suppose.