Patterns of species diversity are biased: they are based on the species we know about, which tend to be large, visible animals like butterflies, birds and mammals.
Compared with the species diversity in these patches when the final count was made, the number of species in the culled patches of woodland was down by about a quarter.
Understanding the historical sources of the species' genetic diversity had a range of contemporary applications, he said.
To Roberts, Lake Zakher has reliably proved something of a birdwatcher's paradise, with herons, flamingos and stilts among the rich diversity of species drawn to this rare water source.
An alternative idea is that the greater diversity of amphibian species in virgin forest helps the fungus to spread.
The ITPGRFA has two major aims: to prevent the loss of underused crops and ensure the full diversity of common crop species is maintained.
For example, one of my clients gives generously to organizations that work to protect endangered species and to conserve the biological diversity of public lands.
For these autistics, targeting cure and prevention implies that they need to be prevented or cured, rather than appreciated and acknowledged for what they have to contribute, speaking or not, as part of the neurological diversity of the human species.
Europe is home to a rich diversity of native mammal species ranging from the small such as shrews and voles, to the large such as wolves and brown bears. to the enormous -- in the case of the 70-ton North Atlantic Right Whale.
Measuring bacterial diversity in genes rather than species makes sense because it is no longer obvious exactly what constitutes a bacterial species.
The reason for all this activity is widely believed to be that because sex produces genetic diversity, it protects a species against environmental fluctuations and, in particular, against parasites.
One of the mysteries they aim to solve is whether deceit orchids have greater diversity than other nectar-producing species.
Their role in Mesozoic ecosystems, including as predators of dinosaurs, has been reassessed over the past few years and their diversity of forms (even including herbivorous species) is becoming increasingly apparent.
There are also contracts to ensure those countries that are centers of diversity -- often poorer nations -- benefit when species are used commercially by richer nations.
Earlier estimates of ocean diversity had relied on expert polls based on extrapolations from past rates of species descriptions and other measures.
ENGADGET: Scientists estimate at least one third of marine species remain unknown to humans
This vast and pristine tract is flooded for much of the year, providing excellent provender for some of the greatest wildlife diversity of any national park on the continent, including hundreds of bird species, many kinds of antelope and the big game that feed on them, such as lions, leopards and cheetahs.
Cary Fowler of the Global Crop Diversity Trust laid out a compelling case to do more to protect endangered food species in advent of climate change, especially in South Asia, where the environment is anticipated to be most fragile.
Over the past four years, WildEarth Guardians and another environmental group, the Center for Biological Diversity, have filed petitions to add more than a thousand plants and plants to the endangered species list.
FORBES: Endangered Species Accord Calls a Truce In The Wildlife Wars