Its more specific aim is to help brands, businesses, and nonprofits design competitions that drive innovation.
Ward Walkers is a privately-owned firm established in Dundee in 2004 with the specific aim of delivering high-quality work shoes to the nursing profession.
The possibility of prosperity during 2013 has already encouraged some business people to set up companies with the specific aim of making the most out of the City of Culture year.
Dr Venter was working out his frustrations after having been fired in 2002 from Celera Genomics, a company he helped set up in 1998 with the specific aim of sequencing the human genome faster and better than the public Human Genome Project was managing at the time.
So today, they have come back with 50 -- 50 specific commitments that aim to keep improving your quality of life.
However, an increasing number of viruses are customised to take aim at specific industries, nations or companies.
But take a shirt and turn it into an image (a promise of hipness, say), aim it at a specific customer segment (such as young Filipinos in Hong Kong), and display it to them in the right setting and with enthusiastic service, and you have both differentiation and a winning business model.
Directed development projects begin with a specific end goal, rather than the aim to increase broad areas of knowledge, and generally include a defined time period and path forward.
Unlike capital campaigns that aim to raise significant dollars for a specific project, our 100th Anniversary Campaign is a comprehensive campaign.
But the long-term aim is to construct computational models of specific diseases based on the data being monitored, says Mark Spire, who is the president of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners and a member of the Kansas State team.
The main aim of the site is to provide links to specific emerging-market sites.
While antismoking campaigns which focus on teens may be useful, an important aim is to determine the ways in which these specific genes influence progression to begin smoking, and to further evaluate whether medications currently on the market which reduce cigarette cravings have any influence on these high risk genes.
FORBES: Genetic Factors Linked to Smoking Addiction in Teens
The aim of the guide is to gain a general and more specific idea of insects - how they develop, how they live.
AIM, allowing investors to bet on the price, rather than on specific mining projects.
The programme will also promote the development of new STI indicators in order to better respond to the specific needs of Member States within their different social, economic and cultural contexts with an overall aim to providing country appropriate policy advice on the formulation and implementation of STI policies, strategies and plans that contribute to building peace, inclusive societies and sustainable development.
Regional dossiers that aim at providing concise descriptive information and basic educational statistics about minority language education in a specific region of the European Union.