"Each standalone film will focus on a specific character, " Lucasfilm said on its starwars.com site.
In Evergrace, different clothes augment specific character attributes such as stamina, strength, and luck, giving the game a new twist in role playing adventure.
Like wine grapes, hops are said to reflect the specific character of their soil, climate and farming technique, and the best ones are highly coveted.
In the course of familiarization with the existing documentation, the Seminar participants proposed to improve the documentation methods with consideration of specific character and experience of archeologists work with other petroglyphic monuments.
His Algren is more a collection of attitudes and behaviors than a specific, spontaneous character. (He indicates several attitudes by narrowing his eyes.) And those martial sequences give way to extended dawdles, distinguished mainly by authentic period details and period pacing.
Removing all character-specific areas is an option, and only including areas that give boosts to certain character-types, but even this could risk upsetting the balance.
Fitzgerald frequently uses specific songs to convey character.
WSJ: The F. Scott Fitzgerald Songbook | Great Gatsby | By Will Friedwald
The development team at Visceral also moved away from "timed" scares, frightening moments that are keyed by a character moving to a specific spot in the game.
One involves the player's character walking into a specific building, picking up an item, walking out - and then returning to find a new item has appeared.
Its unique synthetic character is determined by a specific combination of the 14 chromosomes.
The printer, since Gutenberg, had been limited to the function of re-creation: if you wanted to print a specific image or letter, you had to have a physical character or mark corresponding to that image or letter.
Along with more character customization options, crafting options, and even more attention to tailoring weapons to specific player style, From is spending a lot of time on how players will bring death to one another.