Sixty percent of the cases handled here involve homeowners who were speculators and out-of-towners.
CNN: As foreclosures mount, Florida court turns to 'rocket docket'
Excessive building, overeager speculators and problems in the mortgage market have created a glut of homes.
Platinum saw a fall in the net-long position held by speculators and palladium a rise.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculative Buyers Mostly Return To Precious Metals -CFTC
The speculators and reckless borrowers, who can trade in their rotten loans for federally insured loans?
Too much capital goes to Wall Street speculators and not enough to Main Street entrepreneurs.
FORBES: Fed Is Killing The Recovery With Quantitative Easing
And he had a warning for currency speculators and those apparently keen to see the euro's troubles continue.
Putting the blame on speculators and greed has a powerful appeal but, as this special report has argued, it is too simplistic.
Finally, it is unlikely that cities would be able to accommodate the massive growth promoted by urban boosters, land speculators and policy mavens.
It's also crucial to remember that bad loans that plagued speculators and unprepared borrowers don't simply disappear when distressed owners sell their properties.
These products have caused unbelievably terrific blowups for many speculators and unsophisticated investors who thought they were buying something other than what was sold.
FORBES: Risk Is Back: America's Big Banks Are Knee-Deep In Derivatives
And out of that in corporations, in banks in private speculators and in the financial community comes the mindless optimism which bids up prices.
They have lifted reserve requirements for banks, hectored speculators and ordered lending to the steel, cement and car industries, among others, to be cut.
There has been an increase in copper-futures trading from all of the segments of the market, including speculators and commercial accounts that are hedging, Hunnable said.
FORBES: CME Group's Hunnable: Copper-Trading Volume Sharply Higher; Big Rise During Asian Hours
We need to help people stay in their homes, but he said that we can't have this be a bailout of Wall Street speculators and irresponsible executives.
With speculators and many pros still on the short side of the market, and the regular investor either out or very nervous, how much higher can stocks bounce?
Ask an economist whether speculators and middlemen cause inflation and you will be told that the answer is so clearly no that nothing needs to be said on the subject.
The bank, which still employs almost 800 people, was among the most prolific of lenders to property speculators and developers during the Irish Republic's housing bubble in the last decade.
With major mainstream media outlets talking about food prices everywhere you look now, big bank speculators and futures exchange officials have to know that they are the next target of public wrath.
While I respect fiscal prudence and wish we had more of it in the U.S. and Europe, I prefer constructive solutions rather than German penalties, talk of debt sinners, evil speculators and more.
FORBES: While Europe Slides, Germany Plays Hardball On Financial Transaction Tax
Other proposals target speculators and the OPEC cartel.
ECONOMIST: Finding more oil has become the first issue of the campaign
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson provided a third view when he told The Wall Street Journal this week that several mortgage rescue plans floating around Capitol Hill amount to little more than a "bailout" for speculators and irresponsible lenders.
During that time, a member of the capitalist class, Andrew Carnegie, argued the opposite: that, in fact, a sound currency was the friend of the common man, while a floating currency often gave speculators and financial sophisticates an unfair advantage.
FORBES: Ask Greek Citizens About Soft (Drachma) Money, And If They Like It
Although the economic pain that is being inflicted on Russia and the ex-tigers is out of all proportion to the policy errors of their governments, the fact remains that the vulnerability to financial crisis was created not by international speculators and other bogeymen but by woefully inadequate oversight of domestic finance, private, public and quasi-public.
Lawyers for the hedge funds say the group's members have been vilified on message boards and called greedy speculators, criminals and vultures.
Germans want to intimidate banks, traders and speculators from short selling PIIGS debt and EU stocks.
FORBES: While Europe Slides, Germany Plays Hardball On Financial Transaction Tax
Remember, when hundred of billions or trillions of dollars are at stake, Wall Street, main street, industry, speculators, and millions of private investor have every incentive in the world to anticipate major changes.
FORBES: And Deliver Us From Systemic Risk: The Fed Transcripts
And these are all traders and speculators pushing pieces of paper back and forth with each other, and that of course flowed into the creation of these, quote, "innovative, " quote, new financial instruments of unbelievable complexity.
At his party's weekly policy lunch, Mr. Schumer told his colleagues to use next week's Senate recess to get in front of the gas issue, by once again blaming rising prices on "speculators" and oil companies.
Daily, as many as 3, 000 hedgers and speculators swarm the pits to scream for corn, soybeans and U.S. Treasury bonds.