The overall goal of Honda's efforts is to generally advance intelligent speech and sound recognition technology.
ENGADGET: Honda's HEARBO robot can separate and locate four sound sources at once (video)
Current audio technologies struggle to replicate this experience, because fuller sounds can mask high tones making speech and music sound muddled.
Then he made a comment to a CNBC reporter and gave a June 5 speech that made him sound much more aggressive about his views on holding down inflation by raising the cost of borrowing.
Combining these methods of sound delivery is expected to result in unparalleled sound quality and speech intelligibility.
The cars of the future will have powerful panoptic systems to project telematic imagery across the windshield, audiophile sound systems and speech and gesture recognition.
One fault I can lay at the feet of Obama and his speechwriters is that I did not hear a lot of memorable phrases or sound bites from this speech.
FORBES: State of the Union 2011- A media trainer's analysis of President Obama's performance
The resulting product portfolio is expected to set new standards for sound quality, clarity and speech intelligibility.
Dr Studdert-Kennedy maintains that speech moves in a fluid stream of sound that has little resemblance to the discrete tones used in Dr Merzenich's hearing tests, and that dyslexia probably stems from a high-level problem in the brain's language system that is simply not yet understood.
But it may also be that he thought it would sound inappropriate to make a campaign speech which would have to have attacked his opponent and sounded at least a little upbeat.
So in my speech in 2002 I made an absurd yet financially sound offer.
FORBES: U.S. Institute Senior Delegates�� Roundtable Speech (June 7, 2004 )
They now have a full portfolio of products rooted in enhancing sound quality and clarity, stemming from their expertise in speech language sciences.
She said she felt when you write out a speech, you use far more flowery language than if you are speaking to someone and you sound stilted and boring.
Watching the same show with Speech Enhancement made Dame Maggie Smith's character's words louder than the background music and other sound in a scene, so we didn't have to strain to hear.
WSJ: Review of Sonos Playbar: Raising the Bar for Better TV Sound
In a humorous speech, complete with a Little Lord Fauntleroy outfit, Van Zandt brought down the house: "To sound that black, you had to be Italian, " he joked.
Mr Bercow made his comments in a speech last night, calling for a revamp of the weekly encounter which he says makes the South African vuvuzelas sound like a distant whisper.