Like speed dating, companies looking for funding and investors looking for tax-free gains were trying to find each other.
Speed dating works in certain circumstances, but you always want to spend more time with someone before moving forward.
His early experiments involved observing speed dating sessions and pitches to venture capitalists.
Meetings will last only 20 minutes: as with speed dating, the object is merely to see whether there is any chemistry.
It turns out that the people you passed up in our speed dating metaphor have the most to offer you in terms of game-changing feedback.
There are more ways than ever to meet new people: online dating, Grouper, speed dating, and all of the old fashioned ways on top of those.
"It's not like speed dating, " he says.
WSJ: 30-Minute Executive Lunches, at Il Fornaio and Other Restaurants
Not only are these store-within-a-store small spaces highly efficient vis a vis outfitting the Big Box but, like speed dating, you can get real-world experience, have the opportunity to make a good impression and (if desirable) get in and get out without too much damage.
Then they can attend a "speed-dating-style" session in which they choose their college student mentor.
Borrowing from the speed-dating format, creative directors scrutinized the candidates and their portfolios while leaning over candlelit tables.
The Department of Education said this was intended as a sort of speed-dating: introduce as many teachers and principals as possible, and hope they find a match.
Realizing that not all aspects of the job hunt should occur online, TeamWork Online goes offline with a speed-dating, match-making idea and organizes events that bring candidates and senior team executives together to meet face-to-face.