This is likely to include speeded-up tribunal hearings and temporary contracts.
Senators plan to offer a speeded-up pathway to citizenship to farm workers already in the country illegally who've worked in the industry for at least two years.
In an ideal world Mr Brown would govern as best as he can till the late autumn, oversee the implementation of the speeded-up Kelly reforms, thus drawing the sting from the expenses scandal, and then call an election to clear the air.
He plans to meet with the Isles of Scilly Steamship Company to discuss the possibility of the major Scillonian re-fit being speeded up so the ferry can sail next Christmas.
The combined result of the two big parties was the worst in a western state in nearly 60 years, continuing a decline speeded up by their awkward power-sharing at federal level.
ECONOMIST: The Free Democrats have done unexpectedly well in Hesse
The customs authority has speeded up too, and the natural-disasters agency has been reorganised.
ECONOMIST: He believes in government, so why doesn��t America?
The government has also increased the tax on land left idle, and speeded up the procedures for its re-distribution.
JAEGAR-MILLER: The lack of flooding in the Quarter speeded up the physical recovery here, but tourists have been much slower to return.
The computer has speeded things up a bit more, and indeed is making everyone self-sufficient in ways that Mr Alan may not have envisaged.
Suggesting that the timetable for a free-trade zone, which was agreed on in 1997, should be speeded up, he invited his colleagues to meet again in Cairo for a special economic summit.
Moreover, as the chart shows, the rate of change has speeded up over the course of that period. (The sudden fall-off at the end is caused because the linkage-disequilibrium method cannot easily detect very recent mutations, rather than by a sudden reduction in the rate of evolution.) The researchers put this acceleration down to two things.
The best way to win these investors over would be to convince them that long-promised plans to finish roads, ports, railways and other projects would be speeded up, rather than delayed.