Ms. SAMUELS: Well, we have baby mama drama with Eddie Murphy and Melanie Brown, Spice Girls - from the Spice Girls, Scary Spice, and then we also have Puffy, P.
Both North and South and 5ive are derivatives of the Spice Girls: whereas most recent boy bands have been uniform boys in uniform clothes, these two bands, like the Spice Girls, are made up of carefully distinguished individuals.
Melanie C, aka Sporty Spice, plans to join fellow Spice Girls on stage to perform.
The only Spice Girls prize was Best Haircut for Posh Spice Victoria Adams.
The other four Spice Girls were quick to agree with the aptly named Sporty Spice.
There were lessons in business to be found by the Spice Girls reuniting that evening.
Simon Fuller, a manager who created the Spice Girls, was thinking the same thing.
Elvis Presley and The Spice Girls both have three songs in the top 100.
The cast, meanwhile, said performing in front of the original Spice Girls had been "nerve-wracking and exciting".
The actress, making her West End debut, said she had grown up listening to the Spice Girls.
Sunday's extravaganza also included musical performances from Annie Lennox, Take That, the Spice Girls and The Who.
The Spice Girls moved on to new management, and the Herberts started work on a new product, 5ive.
What about the Spice Girls, Abba and any number of other purveyors of pop froth from the northern climes?
And Pavarotti also raised money for children in war-torn countries by performing with fellow celebrities like the Spice Girls.
If the Spice Girls can draw screaming fans everywhere they go in Asia, why can't regional performers do the same?
The charter not only jets busy executives around, it also takes the Spice Girls and the British royal family on tours.
In recent years, the company and its labels have enjoyed success with artists including the Spice Girls and singer Joss Stone.
And it has had some success in promoting British bands there, from the Spice Girls to Radiohead and, more recently, Coldplay.
The Spice Girls are not the only famous faces from the worlds of sport and entertainment who are getting behind Sport Relief.
The people who originally put together the Spice Girls were Bob Herbert, a former accountant based in Surrey, and his son Chris.
Consider the sad case of the Spice Girls, who as recently as 1999 were riding high in our Celebrity list top ten.
The book also suggested that Victoria has had cosmetic surgery and that she was upset after the Spice Girls appeared on the Brits.
Ex-Spice Girls manager Simon Fuller is leading a consortium bidding to buy the company that owns the rights to hit TV show American Idol.
Jessie J, Elbow, Take That and The Spice Girls were among those who took part in the Olympic finale, directed by artistic director Kim Gavin.
He is renowned for his revealing creations, coveted by A-list celebrities like the Spice Girls, Kylie Minogue, Kelly Brock, Liz Hurley, Nicole Kidman, and Joely Richardson.
Older respondents mentioned the Beatles, while the "progressive and tolerant" nature of the UK was apparent for younger respondents in the music of the Spice Girls.
There was a similar crisis in 1997 when Desperate Dan sailed off with the Spice Girls after striking oil and temporarily retired from the pages of Dandy.
His showmanship led him to tell London listings magazine Time Out last year the only act he felt he had something in common with was the Spice Girls.
But analysts say that, while the Spice Girls and Stone have cracked the US market, other British acts, including Robbie Williams, have failed to make the same impact.
The other members of the group seemed positively delighted to maintain their association with their past and the world of light entertainment from which the Spice Girls emerged.