Several years ago regulators finally permitted irradiation of pork, poultry, fruits, vegetables, spices and grains.
Thulli Dreaming produces its own native food label, including fruits, herbs, spices, tea and skin care products.
Its primary ingredients: tripe (a cow's stomach lining), dried chili peppers and other spices.
All these foods are made simply and quickly with no cream and few spices.
Too many tasted like stagnant water, like pickling spices, or like vanilla flavorings added to water.
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To my nose, Que smelled less of meat than of spices and a sickening sweetish smoke.
It doesn't make a restaurant successful because they use a lot of strong spices.
One cook might include upward of 30 spices, another no more than five or six.
Taste to see if you need more of the above spices and as is necessary.
They carried silks and spices and spread an infinity of cultural influences during these colossal journeys.
Consider curry: the happy intersection of pungent chili powder and fragrant spices, a kaleidoscope of shifting colors.
"I am a big fan of olive oil, fresh vegetables and good food and spices, " he says.
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David Ewalt, who diagnosed the brownish juice as tending toward hickory, spices and woodsmoke, called it interesting.
Again, like cooking, it would be rare to make a dish with two to three dozen spices.
All of the spices, herbs, botannicals, and chiles are 100% natural with no added color or weird processing.
Turn down the speed and add the milk, cream, booze, and spices and mix for another 3 minutes.
Sear meats quickly over high heat so the rub or spices adhere, then cook over a low temperature.
While food-wise Kentucky is best known for being the home of KFC, Louisville's cuisine goes beyond 11-herbs-and-spices fare.
For hundreds of years, Gaza's port was the gateway to the Orient, exporting perfumes, grain, textiles and spices.
She made meat loaf in a washtub, working loaf bread into the meat, onions and spices with her hands.
The aromatics are divine, oozing spices, dark cherry, toffee and cinnamon, the scents just blaze out of the glass.
In 2010, it expanded the list of products that it certifies beyond coffee, sugar and spices to include clothing.
The dish clearly had Mediterranean origins, but the addition of fiery spices sent it in an entirely new direction.
The cuisine relies on spices such as cumin, sesame, cinnamon and coriander, which are also central to Indian food.
He sometimes spices things up by capitalizing "no" or adding an exclamation point.
Paris Match, which spices up current affairs with royal photo-shoots, began in 1949.
She also stocks up on spices, teas, coffees and oils wherever she goes.
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European countries came to China to buy its tea, silks and spices and offered European industrial goods in exchange.
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Reduce the heat and add the rice, spices, cinnamon stick, and bay leaf.
When the spices are fragrant, remove them from the pan and let cool.