The show that spawned the most spin-offs was US sitcom All in the Family.
Spin-offs are typically better suited to sitcoms, a genre that's really struggled in recent years.
For years, the sexy adventurer has appeared in various media spin-offs, including multiple comic runs.
In addition, unlike in America, most of the biggest Internet companies are spin-offs from established firms.
Spin-offs are now an established part of TV but few ever duplicate the success of the original.
That allows it to explore partnerships, spin-offs and licensing agreements without having to get its parent's permission.
The question is what will he deliver: better returns, a spate of spin-offs, or the entire bank?
The company is furiously marketing spin-offs such as stickers and notebooks for recording the growth of its cyberpet.
Solving that would turn out to be one of the greatest technological spin-offs of the second world war.
That is where the real money is: platforms tend to yield lots of jobs in spin-offs and ancillary enterprises.
Most of the trimming will be done through natural attrition, spin-offs of operations, more part-time workers and early retirements.
Plus there always the potential for TV spin-offs from the stories and J.
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Ramallah, their administrative capital, is bristling with new buildings, electronic and liquor shops and various spin-offs of foreign aid.
China is building most of Africa's new dams out of its own pocket, with all sorts of hoped-for spin-offs.
Such al-Qaeda spin-offs are clearly harder to nail than a single large organisation.
Still more proof of Winfrey's power: The web of spin-offs with whom she's provided a platform and subsequent star status.
Some comedy pilots and spin-offs from other shows have previously been screened on iPlayer, including Doctor Who mini-series Pond Life.
But he expects that to change as private equity groups look to cash out their investments by engineering future spin-offs.
Discovery is a rare American example of a pure television firm that derives little income from merchandising or other spin-offs.
But one thing's certain: GM is unlikely to use additional spin-offs such as Hughes to raise cash for retiree health care.
From high schoolers exhibiting some "Disturbing Behavior" and vampires rooming the night in "Blade, " there's no end to the horror movie spin-offs.
The move is likely to be the first of a series of spin-offs as BT gets to grips with its crippling debts.
He studied the cases of recent and pending spin-offs including McGraw-Hill Cos.
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Beyond the economic spin-offs, African football fans are also getting a treat.
And commercial guidelines should be revised to allow its business to expand beyond merely the BBC programme spin-offs it deals with now.
It will be interesting to see who they tap for the spin-offs.
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According to the finance minister, copper accounts for 17% of Zambia's GDP (a third, if you include spin-offs) and 80% of foreign earnings.
Technologically, spin-offs from the space program have revolutionized fields from medicine to energy generation (solar panels were made to power satellites) to breakfast drinks.
And from the team that brought you CSI and NCIS spin-offs comes yet another: a Criminal Minds mid-season spin-off starring Oscar winner Forest Whitaker.
What is more, in addition to its direct returns, NASP also will provide technological spin-offs of virtually incalculable value to other civilian and military applications.