The new Bobigny school is a massive, spiraling structure that's topped with several green roofs.
Meanwhile, American businesses are hacking out some pretty good solutions to the spiraling costs.
With the very next pick, the Jets sent their QB situation spiraling into further chaos.
China first began tightening credit in the spring of 2010 to dampen spiraling property prices.
That's why there's no real free market in health care, why costs keep spiraling upward.
Even as Quicken Loans soared in 2012, its hometown was spiraling downward at an alarming pace.
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In fact he may see a spiraling conflict where she sees a fruitful discussion.
The idea was to jumpstart lending and keep our economy from spiraling into a depression.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Working with Small Business to Drive Recovery | The White House
And lastly, the easy money policies could not help but create massive spiraling inflation.
Retirement is turning out to be more costly than imagined also due to spiraling medical costs.
The world's largest economies are closely watching the spiraling European debt crisis, which could affect world markets.
When debt starts spiraling out of control, as it always does, it takes everything down with it.
FORBES: Is The Sky Really Falling Again? Six Messages from the Market.
Meanwhile, with little attention, American businesses are hacking out a pretty good answer to the spiraling costs.
The company had settled into a complacent groove even as its costs were spiraling out of control.
Today, childhood obesity is at record levels and spiraling out of control, and people are angry about it.
Both doctors agree that more procedures and more tests being done have contributed to spiraling health care costs.
Frail and weedlike, a single vine spiraling up a structure can be ugly and tempting to rip down.
Medicare is spiraling into bankruptcy, owing to both the demographics of America and the realities about health care.
FORBES: Let's Be Honest - Medicare is Insolvent And Doctors Soon Won't Accept It
The other pilot was killed--not by the midair collision but by spiraling into the ground after losing his wing.
Even with new drugs spiraling skyward, Merck may not be able to prevent those losses from slowing its ascent.
The spiraling effect will send house prices down a further 10% to 20%.
So far, senior Pakistani and Indian officials have kept tension from the recent events from spiraling out of control.
Nothing they did addressed the spiraling tuition rates, or the systemically predatory underpinnings of the system that enabled this inflation.
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These efficiency measures reduce ad effects, misleading marketing managers to choose further spiraling reductions in advertising costs and ad effects.
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Thanks to spiraling inflation in higher education, our college completion rate is now 15 percentage points below that of Canada.
During the last decade Brazil has gone from experiencing a debt crisis with spiraling inflation and unemployment to becoming an economic powerhouse.
Admitting the possibility of spiraling inflation and of destabilizing the financial system, Bernanke said the risk of doing nothing is even worse.
FORBES: Bernanke Admits QE Distorts Markets, Brags Of 'Best' Inflation Record As Fed Chairman
So I'm absolutely committed to ensuring we have the tools we need to prevent the kinds of abuses that sent AIG spiraling.
CNN: Obama blasts AIG bonuses, says 'I'll take responsibility'
Robe says that with public disgruntlement of spiraling college costs on the rise, some schools are making an effort to cut expenses.
Without that core, the risk of Miss Piggy spiraling into an untenable sty of callous words and consistent mistreatment of subordinates is all too real.