Meanwhile, American businesses are hacking out some pretty good solutions to the spiraling costs.
Meanwhile, with little attention, American businesses are hacking out a pretty good answer to the spiraling costs.
With the ambitious "Game of Thrones, " spiraling costs are a risk.
Retirement is turning out to be more costly than imagined also due to spiraling medical costs.
Robe says that with public disgruntlement of spiraling college costs on the rise, some schools are making an effort to cut expenses.
America risks following Europe and Japan into the trap of a falling population combined with the spiraling entitlement costs of a graying society.
Several top Democrats, including Pelosi, have questioned whether it is possible to contain spiraling medical costs without creating a public option to serve as a check on private insurers.
CNN: Pelosi steps up defense of public option on health care
Both doctors agree that more procedures and more tests being done have contributed to spiraling health care costs.
And our success will also require controlling spiraling health care costs that are bankrupting families, and crushing businesses, and driving up skyrocketing deficits.
Obama said Tuesday that having a public health insurance plan is "an important tool to discipline insurance companies" and will help control spiraling health care costs.
While spiraling health care costs have some postponing retirement in order to keep hold of their company benefits, most have done a good job at saving.
Because we know that spiraling health care costs are crushing families and businesses alike, we are taking the most meaningful steps in years towards modernizing our health care system.
Ireland, which hopes to rework the terms of its bailout deal, and Italy, which like Spain is battling with spiraling government borrowing costs, could also benefit from the new deal.
Obama and Democratic leaders, aware of a rockier political climate because of midterm congressional elections in 2010, insist that a bill must pass this year to address spiraling health care costs that are threatening economic stability.
CNN: Senate panel votes down public option for health care bill
So, because we know that spiraling health care costs are crushing families and dragging down the entire economy, and because we know it represents one of the fastest-growing parts of our budget, we've made a historic commitment to health care reform in this budget -- reform that brings us closer to the day when health care is affordable and accessible for every single American.
That's why there's no real free market in health care, why costs keep spiraling upward.
The company had settled into a complacent groove even as its costs were spiraling out of control.
These efficiency measures reduce ad effects, misleading marketing managers to choose further spiraling reductions in advertising costs and ad effects.
FORBES: The Downside Of Marketing Mix Models Is There's No Upside For CMOs