When they brushed their teeth, most of the time they spit in the toilet.
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'If you fall in, you'll probably get spit out eventually, ' he says with a smile.
Prep your palate: take a small sip, swish it then spit it out.
Almost 3 million students have said they were pushed, shoved, tripped, even spit on.
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Right about here he is grinning, almost implying that I should spit it out.
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He was baffled by the wad of Croatian kuna a bank machine spit into his hand.
She hacked up a slime of mucous and salt, barely lifting her face to spit.
Wine critics swirl, sniff, sip, slurp and spit scores of wines in a single sitting.
In the bible, the whale swallows Jonah, only to spit him out three days later.
They start with "Spit at Stars, " inspired by a moment in a Jack Kerouac novel.
It was suggested a channel could be cut through a spit to re-open the harbour mouth.
Spreadsheets spit out results from your inexact assumptions and give you a false sense of security.
Toni Collette plays Muriel, the shyest member of a bored and bulbous family living in Porpoise Spit.
It was feisty, though, thrashing its head from side to side to try to spit the hook.
"How Bowser would hold a coffee cup, how he would laugh and spit out coffee, " chuckles Moore.
Jutting into the Adriatic Sea is a highly coveted spit of land that houses the Astir Palace Resort.
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"We ate wild berries for breakfast and spit-roasted mountain goat for dinner, " she told the Moscow Times in 2002.
Once the process is finished, the phone's flash will be trigger and the rollers will spit out the photo.
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"No-one, including their manager, can say they saw me spit in his face, " Wellens told Doncaster's official club website.
In the show, Captain Kirk would ask the computer any question and the computer would spit out an answer.
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Everyone knows and has assessed the macros churning in the world, Cyprus just a spit in the Mediterranean.
Two years ago, I spit into a plastic vial and sent it off to 23andMe for a genetic work-up.
FORBES: Whoops. How DNA Site 23andMe Outed Parents Who Gave Their Baby Up For Adoption.
They still had bands at the Corn Exchange, but he bet you couldn't spit on the floor any more.
Requiring banks and third party merchants to create ATM machines that spit out welfare cards installed at certain places?
The vast majority cut a deal, even at the risk of being spit at by members of their own parties.
The spit-free Snus product is aimed at people on the coasts who wouldn't ever be caught dipping Copenhagen or Skoal.
Such a threat to the old way of teaching has doubtless made professors everywhere spit sherry onto the common-room carpet.
If not, they surely use tax software which will happily spit out what we all hope is the correct number.
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