Crop plants like corn and tobacco can now be programmed with gene-splicing techniques to produce precious pharmaceuticals.
But biopharming's great promise lies in the ability of gene-splicing techniques to make old plants do new things.
The modern hunt for disease-causing genes began in the early 1980s with the advent of new gene-splicing methods.
DNA. Alternatively, it can be smuggled in inside a bacterium (splicing extra genes into bacteria for this purpose is easy).
Splicing replacement genes may allow us to remove potential exposure to diseases so that they never manifest in the first place.
Murdock, who said he was fired, then compiled the video, splicing together the practice lowlights of Rice's first three years as coach.
Oil companies are better known for burning fossil fuels than splicing genes.
The goats represent a promising new avenue in the controversial field of transgenics, the science of splicing one species' genes onto the genome of another.
The movie is set in the near future, where time has replaced money as currency, and no one gets older than twenty-five (the secret is in the gene-splicing).
Such cities have loyal customers of both airlines, and splicing those customer bases together can yield more traffic for the merged airline and make American a more-attractive choice for other travelers.
Broad was bowling with great venom and accuracy, and Fidel Edwards lasted just three balls before splicing a vicious throat ball to Tim Bresnan, who took a good catch in the gully.
By beaming broadband signals from phone poles into homes, Spitfire solves a major problem facing regional Bells: One third or so of homes have copper wires so degraded by splicing or old age that they cannot handle DSL service.
You'll recall from high school or college how Shakespeare frequently pushes the limits of comedy and tragedy, splicing farce into moments of calamity (the fool in King Lear, the clowns in Hamlet) and pulling back suddenly from near-fatal disaster in comedies (The Merchant of Venice, A Winter's Tale).