Peterffy had taken the incoming data wire meant for the terminal and spliced it, soldering the split end into a circuit board that his team of programmers and physicists had built from scratch and embedded into the motherboard of an IBM PC.
If both of them work and make money and they are unhappy together, then they just split and end their sufferings.
Instead, he identified places where the ridges of which fingerprints are composed either end or split.
But it could leave the Security Council split and make an end to the stand-off with Iran harder.
He stepped down in 1415 after 10 years and negotiated with a council appointed to end the split.
In the same time 800, 000 married couples filed for divorce, underscoring the oft-quoted statistic that nearly half of all marriages will end in a split.
FORBES: Can This Y-Combinator Startup's Technology Keep Couples Out Of Divorce Court?
Measures to increase sales tax to this end threatened to split the governing Democratic Party in 2012 and help contribute to its heavy defeat in the December parliamentary election.
President Karzai has made it clear that he will talk to anyone who is willing to end the violence, split with al Qaeda, and accept the Afghan constitution.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama & Prime Minister Cameron Joint Press Availability | The White House
In this case, though, there's a split space bar, whose left end can be programmed as a backspace key (Microsoft's rationale is that your fingers are constantly near the space bar anyway).
It is targeting 1, 600 providers by the end of 2013 and will split the revenue with IBM.
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In 1996, however, he led a breakaway faction that split the Khmers Rouges, hastening the end of its insurgency.
For starters, you should agree in writing on how you want to split up your assets should your relationship end.
The leftover money at the end of the month is split between our savings account and our annual trip fund.
FORBES: Reader Story: How I Use Superfrugality Month to Curb Lifestyle Inflation
To leave your house is one thing, to be thrown out of it and to split up a whole family in the end is something else.
Motherwell and Rangers were among the clubs calling for an end to the controversial SPL split last season, and Blair acknowledges that it can create imbalances.
It plans to split into two publicly traded companies by the end of June one company holding its TV and movie properties to be known as 21st Century Fox, and a smaller entity focused on newspapers and publishing that will keep the name News Corp.
So most people end up offering a fifty-fifty split to the second person.
He calculates that if the Tories and Labour got the same number of votes and the Liberal Democrats split their second preferences equally, the Tories would end up with 60 fewer seats than Labour.
Do you think there was a split between McCain and Obama that hurt itself in the end?
At the end of January, the country was evenly split -- 49 percent to 49 percent -- over whether the situation in Iraq was worth going to war over.
James Forsyth, in the Spectator, says the speech may end up leaving the Conservatives "more deeply split" than at any time since the repeal of the Corn Laws in the 1840s.
It's clear what has happened: he's a striker in a dangerous position towards the end of a game and, in a split second, the ball has missed everybody, bounced to him and instinct has kicked in.
In other words, Apple's trying to maintain its controversial 30 percent in-app revenue split, while Microsoft is arguing that some users may end up buying more storage through the iOS app, but then make a switch to Android or Windows Phone.
ENGADGET: Microsoft confirms 'a delay in approval' of updated SkyDrive app for iOS
Accor ( ACCRF - news - people ) was trading higher in Paris after the French hotel and leisure chain said its board would decide by the end of the year on a project to split its hotels and services businesses.
Klitschko won by a split decision after the ring doctor halted the fight at the end of the fifth round in Las Vegas.
Shares in natural gas producer Chesapeake Energy surged Tuesday morning, after the company announced it will split its chief executive and chairman roles and put an early end to the sweetheart deal the current occupier of both jobs enjoys.
FORBES: Chesapeake CEO McClendon To Give Up Chairmanship, End Well Investment Program Early
News Corp said it was on course to split its publishing business from its more successful entertainment arm by the end of June.
Although at the moment Perot is drawing evenly from Clinton and Dole, Republicans are worried that in the end, Dole will be hurt more by having to split the anti-incumbent vote.
LulzSec struck everyone from FBI affiliate Infragard, to Sony Pictures, to PBS. Like TeamPoison, the group, made up of about six hackers, had split from Anonymous at first, before partnering with the collective towards the end of their spree to collaborate on reviving the Anti-security (Antisec) movement.
FORBES: Anonymous Takes From The Rich, Gives To... The Cyber Security Industry?