Oddly, the funniest performer here is Gene Hackman, playing an aggressively straight, family-values-spouting politician.
Only incorrigible ideologues persist in spouting the idea that greed and selfishness caused the Great Depression.
The spouting of un-approved opinions (whether anti-naturalism, anti-homosexuality, or whatever) is a different matter.
FORBES: How Much Of Our Personal Lives Should Be Under Employer Surveillance?
More than 250 outrageously bedecked tents spouting country rock music and displaying trophies twinkling in the sun.
I've never been shy about criticizing Hannity for mangling the facts or spouting the GOP's talking points.
Obama goes the New Age route, planting an organic garden and spouting platitudes about radical changes in lifestyle.
FORBES: 'Let's Move' Toward A More Effective Approach To Obesity
At that point sizeable rocket spouting sparks and flames emanated from the general direction of Sir Robin Jacob.
An OMG-spouting popular girl, a gamer geek who talks like a surfer and a Silicon Valley wannabe entrepreneur.
Today that number is down to 20%, as Uniteds Atlantic routes have gone from spouting red ink to profitability.
The CIA would prefer you stop spouting theories and threat analyses, and instead put some money on the line.
FORBES: CIA Investors Aim To Build A Pseudo-Gambling Market For Data Security Predictions
Jim Webb, somebody who is clearly kind of an independent thinker, isn't spouting the party lines, if there even is one.
Marketers are suckers for jargon-spouting consultants, and Warden--with his talk of parallel attacks and rules of engagement--has found a rapt audience.
But this does not excuse the level of arrogance occasionally spouting from some scientists who complain their words have been changed.
FORBES: Why Scientists and Journalists Don't Always Play Well Together
Even on its settings for older users, the site employs teams of moderators to identify and ban any user spouting less-than-innocent language.
His couch jumping and Scientology spouting left many feeling that the star had gone over the edge and was unlikely to comeback.
John the Baptist is on a crusade, spouting sweat and rhythmic tales of robbing drug dealers to make a living before he found Jesus.
This let surgeons attend patients spouting blood without removing their coats an important distinction that set them apart from shirt-sleeved tradesmen of the lower orders.
Citizens should be shocked to find their political leader (and his advisors?) spouting such junk and worse, pushing labor policies that embody the idiocy.
FORBES: Obama the Luddite: Friend to Labor Unions, Enemy of Job Creators
But while it's easy to laugh at a Marxist-spouting professor, it's painful for a God believer to dismiss his trusted godly adviser as a crank.
Social elements enable community development around shared playlists and Facebook spouting.
ENGADGET: Editorial: Legal torrent sites are innovators of media consumption
"He was spouting about politics, rather than discussing, " Mr. Bolcik says.
Mable (Madea) Simmons, a six-foot-five, homespun, truth-spouting, pot-smoking, politically-incorrect middle-aged black matriarch, busts ass while brandishing her handgun, fighting to impose emotional order in her world.
And Marshall, who two years ago drew the ire of Jayhawk administrators by spouting the word "Chickenhawks, " finds offensive any talk of an annual showdown in Lawrence.
But Deputy PM Nick Clegg said he favoured "tax cuts for the many, not the few" - while the GMB union said Mr Fox was "spouting... twaddle".
At this, all the others stood up and came away from the trees: what they saw in the distance was smoke spouting from different points in the landscape, first here, then there.
Bergstein fired off a blunt e-mail to 50 fellow CEOs last month, spouting off about how Wingspan, the on-line bank set up by Bank One--the giant in his home city of Chicago--would be a costly flop.
Still, these individual investors confirmed the mantra that the institutional investors have been spouting repeatedly: that the current real estate market with its low prices and rising rental rates represents a prime opportunity for purchasing rental properties.
FORBES: Survey Says Small-Time Investors Favor Buy and Hold over Flipping
This is the same culture that looked the other way while a known Jihadist, Major Nidal Hassan, hid right out in the open in the US Army spouting Islamic Jihad doctrine, culminating in the terrible terrorist attack at Fort Hood.
On Thursday I reported from the CEH on the latest findings about how much water has soaked into the ground - and saw a bore-hole used for measuring water levels actually spouting out water because the ground was so saturated.