Moreover, they should compete to borrow any funds that are offered in private markets at rates below the interest rate on reserve balances because, by so doing, they can earn a spread without risk.
That way, individuals can spread their risk in a way they could not afford if they were acting on their own.
While the only risk associated with a bull call spread is the net debt incurred by entering the position, there is a considerably higher risk assumed by selling the September 3.50 puts.
While the only risk associated with a bull call spread is the net debt incurred by entering the position, there is a considerably higher risk assumed by selling the January 2012 12.50 puts.
In general, your portfolio should have a wide spread of investments, in different risk categories, which when taken as a whole reflect your overall attitude to risk.
Foreign banks have a far wider spread of risk, and can call on head office to help if need be.
Dr. PHILOMENA McANDREW (Oncologist): Part of the reason is that we don't have specific targeted therapy that we can use in addition to the chemotherapy, the general chemotherapy that will act to further reduce the risk of spread overtime as well as reduce the risk of a new breast cancer in the other breast.
Since both funds are country-specific, Brown advises that a decent way to spread the risk and capture returns may be to buy T.
Perhaps, in a time of abundant liquidity, they thought that all the slicing and dicing done by the mortgage industry and its Wall Street allies had spread the risk sufficiently thin that a genuine productivity payoff in finance was at hand and no great upset was in store.
Whalen says there is a risk the contagion will spread further and create more credit quality problems for banks.
The typical financer has multiple investors and investments, bringing with them a greater ability to spread both financing and risk.
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One advantage of lending to a bank is that because it can spread risk over thousands of loans, it can guarantee individual deposits.
As most options traders know, the only risk associated with a bull call spread is the net debt incurred by entering the position.
FORBES: Plains Exploration & Production's Rebound Sparks Unusual Bull Debit Spread
Our diversified investor would need to make sure they never put themselves in a position to lose everything but instead spread their risk exposure to gain higher overall returns (as in the example).
Each vehicle seems to be dedicated to a single country, so risk is not spread.
"Unlike many traditional city centres we are very spread out and, as such, we felt there was a risk that this type of parade wouldn't do Greg justice, " he said.
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Under the law, small businesses' health plans would have to cover a range of required benefits and face pricing rules that spread the risk of costly medical bills.
WSJ: Some Small Firms Try Early Insurance Renewal to Blunt Health Law
If the company bought back enough shares to make a difference, the school trust would be able to spread its risk without having to sell its entire stake in the company.
But just as any prudent investor a century ago, wishing both to boost his returns and spread his risk, should have been deeply invested in relatively poor countries, so he should also have withdrawn every penny before August 1914.
The stakes lock up a company's capital and it is hard to claim they spread risk.
Raw sewage is a major health risk, Rodriguez said, but respiratory infections could also spread quickly.
The spread, which reflects the perceived risk of lending to banks, is usually around half a percentage point.
"I know it's a big risk to do this, but I still want to try to spread the cycling culture to the Hong Kong people, " Fu said.
He adds that open road racing, while more spread out, has more configurations and angles that could cause a crash and typically carries a higher risk of rollovers.
His Air Traffic Control report cites a Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation study, which asserted that privatization would transfer and spread risk, while introducing more efficiencies into the system.
Unlike his counterparts in Syria, who keep fingers in as many pies as possible to spread the risk and distract the taxman, Mr Samha puts all his energy and earnings into a single trade.
For the moment, experts say the risk of a mass outbreak remains limited, given that the virus isn't easily spread from human to human.
While a sovereign default in any one of these European countries would not have a lasting or consequential impact on the capital markets as a whole, the real risk here, in my opinion, is the contagion effect that could spread to other larger European economies should the default not be contained to any one or two of the smaller economies.
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