Even central Austin seems rather spread out and suburban compared to traditional East Coast cities.
The waste will now be spread out to allow the flames to be extinguished.
So I think school supply sales are spread out over a decent amount of time.
White House officials believe the number of facilities, spread out across many different agencies, is inefficient.
The Terps were able to spread out and held study hall during the 4-hour trip.
They work here in industrial zones spread out across remote parts of the country.
And then among the shrubs, hundreds of free bodies spread out, picnicking and sunning.
Essentially, they were stock deals structured to spread out tax liabilities over several years.
The risk of the loan is spread out over lots of investors lending small amounts.
"When you get a lot of rain, it tends to spread out, " said Chanton, a geochemist.
Schools were put on lockdown while investigators examined the vehicle and spread out across the area.
Moreover, the benefits of trade tend to be more spread out than the losses.
ECONOMIST: Are poor countries pinching the rich ones�� jobs?
I've been a fixture in the household for a decade, depending how they're spread out.
And we've started hearing about it more now because it's starting to spread out of hospitals into the community.
It was the rapid unrecorded movement of livestock which caused foot-and-mouth disease to spread out of control.
Humans spread out, exterminated the easy prey and probably the competing hominids and populated the livable earth.
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But as I spread out into my own space, it seemed right to pick a new title.
"The first few were kind of spread out, and they were seen as a joke, " Czarnek said.
Mr. Byron spread out sheets of construction paper and threw a bunch of markers on the table.
This means that according to the uncertainty principle that rules atoms, they are spread out and overlap.
Kansas City is a western town, like Denver, spread out over broad highways with vast open stockyards.
They are wearing full body armour and form orderly lines as they spread out across the area.
The frauds were far too complex and spread out for any group of regulators to deal with.
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Blockages in the legs tend to be longer and more spread out than those in coronary arteries.
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Those who bounce back fastest, however, have money spread out among different sectors, company sizes, industries, and countries.
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As people seek out more affordable and larger housing, they tend to spread out from their historic cores.
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So when you spread out those minutes, it allows you to be at your best at all times.
Television footage showed one man lying spread out on the ground, holding out his arms, surrounded by police.
Viewed from a height, the city seems to spread out in an endless expanse of mundane, low-rise buildings.
We said nothing about the windshield, although the cracks had spread out like ripples on a frozen stream.