So I think school supply sales are spread out over a decent amount of time.
The risk of the loan is spread out over lots of investors lending small amounts.
Kansas City is a western town, like Denver, spread out over broad highways with vast open stockyards.
Once, it had collected pupils spread out over half the county in a fleet of shiny yellow buses.
Prosecutor Riel Karmy-Jones told the court the assaults were spread out over a four day period last year.
BBC: Sex slave trial: Three guilty of abducting girl aged 13
Clearly, such costs should be spread out over multiple meals (or multiple diners).
The question is, do American consumers prefer to pay everything upfront or have it spread out over 24 months?
Slockett said early voting increases the cost of elections, noting that expenses are spread out over a longer time period.
Traffic was still heavy but now spread out over much longer periods, starting at 5am and lasting till noon, say.
Granada Television's classic 1980s dramas Brideshead Revisited and The Jewel in the Crown spread out over 11 and 13 hours respectively.
Only a portion of a typical contract is guaranteed, and bonus money is often spread out over a number of years.
The fixed costs of content acquisition will be spread out over a smaller revenue base, implying that Netflix will lose operating leverage.
It also included billions of dollars in fees, spread out over the next decade, on those industries to help pay for reform.
It affects the whole educational system, which, you know, is 100, 000 schools spread out over 14, 000 school districts serving almost 50 million students.
Said another way, we own 3, 528 eggs spread out over 49 different baskets that come from 202 different chickens on 49 separate farms.
In the US, analysts said the fact that the fees levied on banks would be spread out over a decade would diminish their impact.
You could largely immunize yourself against that exposure by buying a contract to receive 1, 000 barrels of oil spread out over the next 20 years.
Closed door offices spread out over multiple floors with a lack of social gathering places often create communication patterns that are equivalent to remote working.
Research Frontiers strenuously denies that it was manipulating the stock or buying shares improperly, because the period of distribution is spread out over five years.
But Mr. Tillis said finding space to expand was difficult and the company's warehouse space was spread out over three facilities in nearby Bayonne, N.
It's a two-character mystery spread out over 85 minutes of real time in which both characters slowly drop their pretenses and reveal their common hurt.
One reason is that pilots start from scratch, so some costs that would normally be spread out over 22 episodes--like building sets--get condensed into one show.
Before this facility opened, GameStop operated out of its distribution center through a series of interlocking mezzanines spread out over multiple floors on top of a warehouse.
FORBES: An Inside Look At How GameStop Refurbishes Used Video Games
Marjah has a population of about 75, 000, spread out over a vaguely rectangular area some 12 miles north to south, and about six miles wide at points.
Because spring break tends to spread out over a four- to six-week period in March and April, Ms. Banas says there are still deals to be found.
Payment plans can be spread out over a maximum of 10 years at these interest rates, making the entire balance of the tax due 1 YEAR later.
For instance its wholesale acquisition cost is high because it is given in just a few treatments, while treatment with the other drugs is spread out over time.
Even though the payments may be spread out over several years, the seller, in most cases, has to pay capital gains tax on the total sale price immediately.
Today, travellers from all over the world visit Rome to explore its 600km network of catacombs, spread out over five storeys underground near the Park of the Tombs of Via Latina.