The Soviet Union launched the first man-made satellite, Sputnik 1, on October 4th 1957.
His advisers fret that federal research and development has fallen sharply since the Sputnik era.
More than anything, though, he was drawn to science by the launch of Sputnik in 1957.
Both telescope and founder were saved by the two Soviet Sputnik satellites launched in 1957.
Proof that Russian high technology can still pull a Sputnik on the competition if it wants to.
He wrote "Sputnik, " a song about a trip he and his girl would take together in outer space.
And I was right, at least in the relatively short term, just a few years off from Sputnik.
In 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first inhabited space capsule, Sputnik II, carrying a dog named Laika.
As the daughter of a factory worker, I benefited from academic scholarships that the development of Sputnik prompted.
All that new money led to a real-estate gold rush that has seen property prices rocket like a Sputnik.
Sputnik reminded us that the Soviets had an advantage in the command-and-control game.
For America, Sputnik was seen as a threat not just to national pride, but to national security as well.
The year 1957, which gave us Sputnik I, also gave us the birth of Fairchild Semiconductor in Palo Alto, Calif.
The technological feats that so alarmed the West were the launch of Sputnik and the early Soviet lead in space.
That belief was sustained by means of faked statistics and, in the 1950s, by the success of the earth-orbiting Sputnik project.
America was in the throes of a national state of anxiety over the Soviet Union's launch of its Sputnik space satellites.
Not since the October 4, 1957 launch of Russia's Sputnik has the U.S. felt as threatened by another country's space activities.
In 1957, just before this college opened, the Soviet Union beat us into space by launching a satellite known as Sputnik.
Instead of the "Sputnik moment, " why not call this generation's challenge the "Apple moment, " or the "Microsoft moment" or the "Google moment"?
At the time Sputnik launched, Jerry Engler was living in Rochester, N.
" Mr. Kaku has spent his life trying to fill the void: "I want to inspire young kids to have their 'Sputnik moment.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Michio Kaku: Captain Michio and the World of Tomorrow
It turns out that it was part of a satellite called Sputnik that landed right here, and that set the Space Race into motion.
For 1, the science had been done since Newton, the basic feasibility had been demonstrated (V2s, Sputnik), and it was a matter of money.
The post-Sputnik era drove the rapid growth in PhD physicists that came to an abrupt halt as the Vietnam war drained the science budget.
The launch of Sputnik 1 generated fear across the US - and a quiet realisation that the country had fallen technologically behind the Soviet Union.
BBC: What if the Soviet Union had beaten the US to the Moon?
"Sputnik, " on the other hand, is about power, but Mr. Martens lets the guitars handle the pounding while he plays little figures that add color and intrigue.
The early Soviet Space triumphs were managed and steered by Sergei Korolev, the man who built the R7 rocket that put Sputnik and Yuri Gagarin into orbit.
BBC: What if the Soviet Union had beaten the US to the Moon?
He was an optimist, a good person to have around when things looked bad, as they had four months earlier when the Russians had sent up their Sputnik.