But the SQA denied that it was trying to cap the number of appeals.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Fewer appeals over Higher results
In June it became clear that SQA were having difficulty recruiting sufficient exam markers in some subjects.
At my request, officials pursued these matters with SQA. I made sure I was kept fully informed.
Poems by Carol Ann Duffy and Norman McCaig are among the texts approved by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).
At my request, a senior member of the Scottish Executive's IT Directorate met SQA, reviewed the situation and made recommendations.
Education Scotland and the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) have now issued the latest tranche of materials to support the new qualifications.
BBC: New exam materials for Scots fourth year pupils published
The SQA maintains that it was not reasonably foreseeable that he would suffer psychiatric injury as a result of carrying out his duties.
It seems that the SQA database cannot be interrogated by asking for a listing of the conditions Coatbridge High School, Higher or no award.
He said Mr Cook had left the SQA last year and a claim for damages was later made in respect of PTSD suffered in employment.
Euan Mackenzie, counsel for the SQA, said Mr Cook had commenced employment with the SQA in 2007 and part of his duties involved travel overseas.
My officials continued to press SQA. Both in these meetings, and in written statements and in SQA board and committee papers repeated assurances were given.
In the past 12 months, SQA have also published nearly 1, 000 subject assessment support documents, including, specimen question papers, coursework information and unit assessment support packs.
BBC: New exam materials for Scots fourth year pupils published
Mr Houston's SQA appointment was announced by Education Secretary Fiona Hyslop, who said he would bring a wealth of experience and leadership ability to the role.
He denied the authority had marked papers more leniently this year after the debacle of last year, when the SQA issued 17, 000 wrong or inaccurate results.
Again at my request, my officials followed this up by meeting with the SQA. Again we were offered reassurances that the matter was being resolved by them.
The case called before Lord Bannatyne as lawyers for the SQA sought to have the personal injury action transferred to another court roll where expanded pleadings would be required.
Because of this and because - much more worryingly - SQA could not even tell me who these 1, 500 candidates were, I ordered that day a full independent inquiry.
It also became clear from our contact with schools and colleges that, despite their reassurances, the SQA were substantially behind schedule in collecting internal assessment data from schools and colleges.
And even worse - particularly in the light of SQA's repeated and recent reassurances - I learned, to my dismay, that significant numbers of certificates had not been posted at all.
On the same day I and the SQA representatives met the Secretary of the Committee of Scottish Higher Education Principals to discuss how best to protect the interests of young people applying to University.
This I did against the initial inclination of the SQA who wanted to hold their own inquiry, pointing out - as they had often previously pointed out - that they were an independent organisation.
Since the audit, Education Scotland said the final arrangement documents for the National Qualifications had been published by SQA in accordance with agreed timescales, as had supporting advice and guidance materials by Education Scotland.
It also urged ministers to do everything within its power to ensure that the crisis at the SQA is never repeated, and attacked the "managerial incompetence" the shown by the organisation during last year's fiasco.
During his work with the SQA, Mr Cooke travelled to Beirut, Lebanon, Djakarta, Indonesia, Cairo, Egypt and was on a business trip to Saudi Arabia when unrest broke out in Bahrain, where he said he was required to help with the evacuation of employees.