Projects like the square kilometre array discussed in this BBC news item are just a start.
BBC: What if Africa were to become the hub for global science?
This array, too, will have an area of a tenth of a square kilometre.
The population density in the Russian Far East is barely one person per square kilometre.
ECONOMIST: Russia does not exactly soar in its Asian backyard
Eventually, there will be seven towers, spread over an area of just under a tenth of a square kilometre.
The developers want to build between 189 and 339 turbines, with a maximum blade tip height of 204m, over a 295 square kilometre area.
There are more than 6, 000 people to every square kilometre and there can be days when it sounds as if every one of them is talking at the same time.
The photos displayed on ScenicOrNot are sourced from images submitted to a site that collects user generated, geographically representative, photographs and information for every square kilometre of Great Britain and Ireland.
There are also huge differences in population density across the country, with the population per square kilometre ranging from nine in Eilean Siar (the Western Isles) and the Highlands to 3, 395 in Glasgow.
Interest and exploration increased further in 2011, when the Chinese National Geography published some never-before-seen photographs and illustrations hypothesising what the small city, which measured about half a square kilometre, might have looked like in its heyday.
Building turbines on land can be just as controversial, suitable locations for fixed-base shallow-water turbines are limited and a new generation of big turbines will need lots of space: only a couple can be placed in each square kilometre.
In 1993 they established the Oasi Zegna, a 100-square-kilometre (40-square-mile) reserve of meadows and forest that pushes towards Monte Rosa, Europe's second highest peak, into an empty, wild area crossed by a few trails.
The 39-square-kilometre park is the first highly successful reforestation project in Brazil, started back in the second half of the 19th Century.
In 2008, Lynn Sykes of Columbia University in New York City catalogued all 383 quakes in a 39, 000-square-kilometre area around New York City from 1677 to 2007 and estimated the future risk.
Covering some 400 square miles of open countryside, the trial sites are much larger than the ten-by-ten kilometre box squares used in the RBCT, and have been carefully chosen to take advantage of natural barriers to the movement of badgers like the M5 and M50 motorways and the river severn.