One potential earnings short-squeeze play in the software and programming complex is Tibco Software (TIBX), which is set to release numbers on Thursday after the market close.
As local competition catches up to the intrigue of new international products, offering similar value and experience for lower costs, other factors will come into play that threaten to squeeze the profits of international companies such as YUM!
Giant Growth is best used during the declare blockers step when, after your opponent has declared who blocks this round and you receive priority again to play spells or abilities, you squeeze in the 3 damage to win the match with your Giant Growth.
While momentum investors may be tempted to play their luck and see if they can squeeze more profits from these runs before the flag, more conservative investors may want to give them a pass altogether.
Higher price tags on discretionary consumer items like apparel may play a part in combining with higher food and gas prices to put a squeeze on household spending.