For 11 years atop SSE, he's been, by turns, amiably combative and unusually thoughtful.
Both Iberdrola and SSE may consider adding partners to the venture in the future.
If others have been wiser or luckier than SSE, then they can hold off.
First, why can't SSE subsidise its customers from profits made in other parts of the business?
Rival suppliers Scottish Power, SSE and Npower are still being investigated for potential mis-selling.
All of the UK's big six energy suppliers, including SSE, have denied any involvement.
These changes will begin this Friday, with SSE trading a proportion of its supply and demand.
Despite appealing against the conviction, SSE agreed earlier this month to close down its doorstep sales force.
Mr Marchant said he felt "the time is right for a change for both SSE and me".
The line, proposed by Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE), would see 600 pylons built on a 137-mile route.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Highlands and Islands | Council's pylon decision delayed
Eddie Boyd from Highland Council, Rupert Steele from Scottish Power and Lindsey Restrick from SSE also gave evidence.
But as they're facing many of the same pressures, it's unlikely SSE is alone or even the outlier.
Mr Phillips-Davies joined Perth-based SSE's predecessor company Southern Electric in 1997 before becoming energy supply director in 2002.
The Stop Stansted Expansion (SSE) campaign group claims the development would ruin 1, 000 acres of countryside and ancient woodland.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Essex | Plan for Stansted runway unveiled
The energy firms decided to end the practice after Surrey Trading Standards last year successfully prosecuted SSE for mis-selling.
But SSE says those elements have risen by 30% in the past year.
The committee gave its support to the proposals, but Scottish government will have the final say on SSE's planning application.
Following these changes, the board of SSE will consist of two executive directors and five non-executive directors, plus the chairman.
The authority said there may still be individual, isolated homes which do not have electricity and those affected should contact SSE.
BBC: Homes on Arran lose power again due to a generator problem
Representatives from Police Scotland, the fire service, Lochaber Mountain Rescue Team and SSE will be among those attending to give advice.
Power company SSE said energy production for its conventional hydro plants was at its highest since records began in the 1930s.
Transport Scotland's Plugged-in Places project provides 100% funding to buy domestic charging points, which will be installed by energy firm SSE.
Ian Marchant is to step down as chief executive of energy giant SSE after more than 10 years in the job.
Power firm Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) has announced plans to develop an offshore wind turbine testing facility in North Ayrshire.
BBC: SSE wants offshore wind turbine test site at Hunterston
At Peterhead, Shell and SSE plan to retrofit part of the existing gas power station to capture CO2 emissions after combustion.
BBC: Grangemouth and Peterhead make carbon capture shortlist
SSE, which trades as Scottish Hydro north of the border, said Glendoe was already producing about three gigawatt hours of electricity for the network.
SSE's chairman, Lord Smith of Kelvin, said the company had faced "two of the biggest issues" in its history in recent months.
The SSE Composite Index is down 4 percent this year, and an additional supply of shares will only weaken the market further.
Scottish Hydro-Electric Transmission Limited (SHETL), a subsidiary of Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE), put plans for the interconnector on hold last year.
But earlier in the week one of the big providers, SSE, announced plans to auction all of its power on the open market.