One staff member told the BBC the aftermath of the clashes was "like a battlefield".
But the bill contains a lot of what one congressional staff member calls "kooky" items.
Suggested changes would see both these ratios raised to four children for every staff member.
Five years ago, a Republican staff member was warning pages to watch out for Congressman Foley.
Another UN national staff member recruited two weeks ago has yet to be released, it said.
But has since apologised and sent the female staff member a bunch of flowers.
Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and National Security Council staff member, Douglas J.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A US force for the Golan Heights? A roundtable discussion
This must be done within 20 days of the reply from the staff member.
Sperling, a senior economics-staff member, is in charge of budget, tax and health-care issues.
Many other companies would have retreated at a serious threat to just one staff member.
Ellen Bork, a former staff member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, writes about Asia.
There were Sinhala and Muslim as well as Tamil students on the campus, one staff member emphasised.
Facebook suffered a temporary outage last night after a staff member accidentally leaked internal product prototypes.
At one point, he called Democratic committee member John Kerry to apologize for a staff member's brush-off.
Any staff member who has not been vaccinated must wear a mask while caring for any patient.
Paul Grant is visiting scholar in applied physics at Stanford University and IBM Research staff member emeritus.
While supervisors do not live in the complex, staff member supervision is available 24 hours a day.
As of last October, there were 7, 472 offers in holding queues, waiting to be assigned a staff member.
The staff member tells students that there is a "dip" in the university's profile in giving students feedback.
The Secretary of Commerce shall designate a senior staff member as the Executive Director to lead the Initiative.
Last month James Ashby, a former staff member of Mr Slipper's, accused him of abusing taxpayer-funded taxi vouchers.
She also questioned how Mr Brown would feel if a Conservative staff member spread untrue rumours about his wife.
Research staff member Jennifer Lai told CNN that designing workspaces for the future is an enormous area of research.
In the first instance, patients are advised to complain directly to the NHS staff member they are aggrieved with.
Every staff member can carry gigabytes of information in a pocket or purse.
Another waiver recipient was the father of a Republican staff member of a House subcommittee that oversees the Pentagon.
The dispatcher suggests the nurse find another staff member - a gardener perhaps - or a passing stranger to help.
BBC: Lorraine Bayless death: Inquiry after nurse refuses CPR
The highlight of the tour, which can be self-guided or led by a Japanese-speaking staff member, are the tasting bars.
The suspect was a staff member at the Officer Candidate School, according to Capt Eric Flanagan, a Marine Corps spokesman.
The exchange followed the resignation of Speaker Peter Slipper, who was accused of sexual harassment by a former staff member.