Winchester Crown Court was told they targeted homes of staff from the supply firms of Huntingdon Life Sciences.
BBC: Sentencing of Huntingdon Life Sciences hate campaigners
Hansa, which was built on the ruins of Tartu Commercial Bank, started life with a staff of 13, most of them in their twenties.
Two months ago, I presented the Medal to the parents of Staff Sergeant Robert Miller, who gave his life here in Afghanistan as a member of the Green Berets.
Researcher Antonio Espingardeiro, who developed the robot, said it could help care home staff and improve residents' quality of life.
BBC: Robot to care for elderly made at University of Salford
But he sees himself as a role model and inspiration to young members of staff who might have more life experience than academic qualifications.
They work closely with Eric Berman, the opposition-research maestro of the Democratic National Committee, his staff of half a dozen and their massive databases, composting the life and record of Bob Dole.
In every other sphere of British public life, staff numbers are being cut and roles merged to save money.
Often, Mr Lawton and his fellow management team would spend a great deal of time helping members of staff with learning difficulties with important life skills, such as understanding their household bills.
Help the Aged is calling for better training and support for staff, and more accessible information on end of life issues for older people.
We will provide new buildings, plant and equipment, introduce new ways of working and make life better for staff.
Currently, workers for Anglesey County Council are the only local authority staff given a day off to celebrate the life of St David.
Though staff jobs in big companies are still for life, there are fewer of them now because flexible temporary employment has caught on, especially among women.
The clergy, in his understanding, are more akin to support staff, experts in the spiritual life who offer the sacraments and means of doctrinal and spiritual formation, but the real "action" is out in the world.
Hospital staff who tried to save the teenager's life were given counselling because of the horrific nature of her injuries, Reuters news agency reports.
Since then, Negron's life has been a blur of 18-hour days - hiring staff, contacting supporters, doing interviews, making fundraising calls.
Director Graeme Muir explained that many of the players and staff who took them to the First Division would not be good enough for life in the top-flight.
BBC: SPORT | Football | My Club | Gretna | Worn-out Alexander explains exit
He and his team of scientists and management staff forensically inspect every aspect of a product from materials, to transport right through to potential end of life impacts.
Staff Sergeant Leroy A. Petry distinguished himself by acts of gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty, in action, with an armed enemy in the vicinity of Paktya province, Afghanistan, on May 26, 2008.
WHITEHOUSE: Medal of Honor for Sergeant First Class Leroy Arthur Petry
Staff Sergeant Clinton L. Romesha distinguished himself by acts of gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a Section Leader with Bravo Troop, 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, during combat operations against an armed enemy at Combat Outpost Keating, Kamdesh District, Nuristan Province, Afghanistan on October 3rd, 2009.
The loser is the owner of that real-life store: the person who has stocked the merchandise, hired the staff, paid to keep the store cool in summer and warm in winter, written the rent checks and the tax checks.
"Jamie was a lively, charming and able student who, with the support of his loving family and the school's pastoral staff, was coping manfully with the difficulties in his life, " he said.