Following the visit to the University of Arts, the Director-General visited the UNESCO Havana Office and met with the personnel and staff of the office.
NARA's Brachfeld says he's encouraged that Ferriero made a point of meeting with the entire staff of the office of the inspector general.
An interagency working group led by the NSC staff and the Office of Management and Budget has undertaken detailed contingency planning for humanitarian relief in case of conflict with Iraq.
One day in April 2006, "my attention was drawn to the administrative staff in the office, as they were upset because Mr. Greene was on the phone, on a rampage, demanding to speak to someone regarding 'missing money, '" said Enriquez, adding that senior management was not in the office.
The passengers on Flight 447 also included Marcelo Parente, chief of staff in the office of Rio de Janeiro's mayor.
An IRS employee who worked in the Cincinnati office said staff would gather outside the office once a year to watch the opening-day parade for the Cincinnati Reds.
Staff from the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner will start sifting through soil for human remains on Tuesday, police said.
Staff at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) assessed the submissions and narrowed them down to the final four ideas.
Ministers and senior officials have tried to "change the skill set of staff at the Wales Office through early departure".
Emails between the IG's office and committee staff show the IG's office repeatedly evaded Congressional inquiries on the progress of the investigation.
We continue to be concerned at the damaging delays in recruiting professional staff to the UNESCO Office for the Pacific in Apia.
UNESCO: Speech to UNESCO General Conference 2009 - Bryan Gould
The Venice Office staff found the challenge on working with the UN Reforms stimulating and is eager to continue implementing the UNDAF (United Nations Development Assistance Framework) and the One UN within the SEE Region.
Staff at the Home Office and UK Border Agency did not join the stoppage following a legal challenge by the government.
Retired border officials and retired police officers are among those being brought in to supplement immigration staff, the Home Office said.
Retired border officials and retired police officers are among those being brought in to help immigration staff, the Home Office said.
CNN: Athletes fret on lost bus as wave of Olympic arrivals begins
Thousands of staff at the Post Office will strike on Easter Saturday in a dispute over shop closures, jobs and levels of pay.
Staff from the press office will answer the questions.
CNN: White House launches program to answer e-mail questions
Judges and staff in the Huntington office have complained to supervisors that Mr. Daugherty assigns himself Mr. Conn's cases, including some that were assigned to other judges, two former judges and several staff said.
WSJ: High Approvals From Judge Deciding Social Security Disability Claims
"Royal Mail has concerns about the working conditions for our four members of staff working in the mail office at Sanquhar Post Office branch, " she said.
It never occurred to me to ask whether the vet might keep them there, at the office, where the staff was better equipped for transient pit-bull infants than a fifteen-year-old girl might be.
The Venice Office staff would also like to sincerely thank Mr Koichiro Matsuura, the departing Director-General, for his effective leadership, support and encouragement to continue to develop and implement high quality activities in science and culture in the SEE Region.
The back office staff will probably remain at their desks monitoring cash flows, but the senior executives who just have to approve transactions or monitor cash flows can do it from anywhere with mobile devices.
In a symbolic gesture, new Chief Jim Cantalupo exiled from the Oak Brook, Illinois home office the headquarters staff overseeing non-Mac operations, resettling them down the road.
Emily Lambert is a staff writer in the Chicago office of Forbes' Midwest bureau.
While Ron had been preparing for the procedure, the office staff had informed Mrs.
FORBES: Health Insurer Drops Cancer Suffering Vet- Two Cents Short On Premium Payment
Immigration officers had been tipped off by staff at the Leicester Register Office following a suspicious wedding.
The Office of the Chief of Staff oversees and coordinates activities and communication among various departments of the administration.
CNN: Official: Obama could name more administration picks Friday
Prior to joining Cabinet Affairs, she served as Special Assistant to the President and Policy Advisor to the Office of the Chief of Staff in the White House.
Fluorescent Post-it notes were stuck to the office shelves, reminding the staff of the things that needed doing, the set procedures for each group of students that came and went.
Every surgeon, mid-level practitioner, nurse, and member of the office staff is dedicated to the mission of providing quality care, and every person is as quality a human being as they are a practitioner.